today in black history

March 26, 2025

Black abolitionist and businessman George DeBaptiste was born on this date in 1815 in Virginia.

Focus on small wins

POSTED: January 31, 2010, 3:02 am

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Sandra DaleyI’ve been broke before, but 2010 has put a new definition on broke. My friends are broke. My family is broke. Banks are screaming broke. Service organizations have got fewer funds. Rich folks are hyperventilating. And more than ever, we hear the cries of those who are truly suffering in war torn countries, those left homeless, penniless, and starving. And we realize, even with little, we must extend ourselves to those who truly need.

I expected this recession to be a bleak time, but I have never felt more enlightened, creative, and happy. Why? Because I have no other choice than to focus on today, this moment and the small wins I can achieve. I either have the strength and the resources within myself or I don’t. There is no place else to go but to search within myself and to allow the universe to reveal its handiwork.

Everyone seems to be in a lean and frugal place. For me, this has been the most creative and productive space. My efforts are focused and my answers are clear and succinct. I am less frustrated because I am not allowed the luxury to plan and look too far ahead. I must live in the now and do according to what is presented. It is quite freeing!

I have taken to planning only for the day, reluctant to make promises for next week, and accomplishing tasks, moment to moment. When I see the homeless in Haiti, I am reminded how quickly life can change and truly, this moment is all we are granted, so make it count and make it a win-win. Close each and every day or each transaction, with a positive effort, having given my best.

I’ve decided to focus on only those things I can control and leave the rest to God, allowing things to play out as they may. I can only do what I know to do and that has to be enough. It is enough. So, to all the bill collectors hovering overhead, my answers are really clear…”Yes!” “No!” “How about half?” “Oh well, do what you got to do…”

I am choosing not to question the circumstances but embrace them as such, allowing life to unfold, ready for more unforeseen blessings. Having faith that in the end it is all for my good.

Here is to, focusing on small wins!

Focus on small wins

“I expected this recession to be a bleak time, but I have never felt more enlightened, creative, and happy.”

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
Barack Obama

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