today in black history

July 15, 2024

True Reformers Hall, the first building designed, financed and built by Blacks after Reconstruction is dedicated in 1903 in DC.

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Editorial Guidelines

Video Programming: We are accepting program proposals for features on politics, business, hekalth care, criminal justice and other relevant public policy issues. Program episodes can be in 15 minute or 30 minute blocs. We are also accepting video of special events such as panel discussions, lectures, conference events, community meetings and speeches.

Opinion Article: A written submission of no more than 750 words that focuses on an important topic in the political and public policy spheres or pertaining to a business issue.

Feature Article: A written submission of no more than 1500 words that focuses on a singular subject or current event in politics, public policy or business, or a historical subject, event or incident that is relevant to current circumstances.

Podcast: An audio recording, single submission or in serial format, of no more than five minutes in length on a topic related to Black political participation, economic development, or a public policy issue (e.g. health care, environment, secondary education, poverty)

All written submissions should adhere to the Associated Press style book. A short summary of AP standards is available on the home page under Editorial Guideline