today in black history

February 11, 2025

African National Congress (ANC) leader Nelson Mandela is released from prison in South Africa after 27 years on this date in 1990.

Gain a new perspective

POSTED: November 28, 2009, 12:39 pm

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“If you are angry, resentful, envious, worrisome, or any emotion that saps your spirit, what is the value of your current attitude?”

Living a balanced life requires the ability to see your half empty glass as half full. Some experiences may seem more challenging than others and it may be very difficult to see things from another angle or perspective. It may be difficult to envision the light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some questions that may prove helpful.
• If you are angry, resentful, envious, worrisome, or any emotion that saps your spirit, what is the value of your current attitude? Take action on the things you can change, right now, in a positive way and the rest, let go.
• Sit, look, and ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” There is always a lesson.
• You are doing SOMETHING well. What is that? What can you do better?
• Is there something miraculous or “perfect” about the current situation? Sometimes even in the middle of pain, we can find something amazingly beautiful or transforming.
• Sit, meditate, and give yourself sound advice. What would you say to yourself?
• What is one thing you could do to reward yourself or allow yourself to have fun?
• What would it take to turn everything around and find enjoyment in the process?
• What can you find to be grateful for in this current situation/
• Is this a way to sabotage yourself or your goals? Just asking! Sometimes it’s difficult to see, but check to see if there is something you are avoiding, blocking, or afraid to confront.
• If you are sabotaging yourself, you have permission to roll around in it for a day or two and then you have to wake up and nip it in the bud!

The ability to roll with the punches gets better as we gracefully learn to exchange blows with life. Or recovery time lessens. We wallow a lot less, cry a lot less, and sabotage becomes nonexistent. Rolling with the punches is about seeing another perspective. The one where you are not portrayed as the victim, but the victor and an A class student of life.

If you would like to use this article in your newsletter or blog please feel free to do as long as you include my credit information: Written by Sandra A. Daley, lifestyle and career coach, . Sandra A. Daley is a certified lifestyle and career coach, writer, speaker and the creator of Dream It! Plan It. Claim It™, an extra-preneurial workshop for women. Contact her at: If you liked this article, you may also enjoy “Questions to Re-Design Your Life”. Thanks for taking the time to read my articles. I’m looking forward to sharing my passions with the world!

Gain a new perspectiveThe difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. Al Neuharth

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