today in black history

March 26, 2025

Black abolitionist and businessman George DeBaptiste was born on this date in 1815 in Virginia.

Make Your Voice Heard

POSTED: July 03, 2013, 10:00 am

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There are dozens of issues that impact the African-American community and we want to hear your opinion. We invite you to connect to NorthStar News and share your concerns by submitting an Op-Ed on any topic we have covered or one that you think our community should be concerned about. The Op-Ed should be no more than 750 words and must include your name, city and state, affiliation if you are writing in an official capacity, contact phone number and an e-mail address that can be posted to receive feedback from the public. You can also submit a digital photo (head shot) to include with the article. All Op-Ed submissions are subject to editing and once submitted, become the property of NorthStar News. We do not pay for Op-Ed submissions. If your article is published we will not make your phone number public but will publish your contact e-mail address.

We also invite Letters to the Editor in response to any articles on the NorthStar News website. Letters to the Editor should be no more than 300 words in length. You must include your name, city and state, affiliation if you are writing in an official capacity, contact phone number and an e-mail address that can be posted to receive feedback from the public. All Letters to the Editor are subject to editing and once submitted, become the property of NorthStar News. We do not pay for Letters to the Editor. If your letter is published we will not make your phone number public but will publish your contact e-mail address.

Op-Ed articles and Letters to Editor must be submitted in Microsoft WORD, with double-spacing between paragraphs and in 12 point Times New Roman format. Do not add text formatting such as underlining, italics or bold print, or artwork of any kind. Submissions should be sent to the attention of Walter Fields, Executive Editor to In the subject line of your e-mail please put either Op-Ed Submission or Letter to the Editor Submission depending on which you are sending for consideration. Thank you.

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