today in black history

March 14, 2025

Musical prodigy, producer, and arranger Quincy Jones is born on this date in 1933 in Chicago.

Today in Black America - February 1

POSTED: February 01, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Obama to Seek Sweeping Change in ‘No Child’ Law

U.S. Examines Whether Blackwater Tried Bribery

In Illinois Campaign, Republicans Squabble Amid Attempt to Regain a House Seat

U.S. to Resume Military Airlift of Injured Haitians

It Happened in Our Backyard

No Jobs, No Recovery

The Christian Science Monitor

Haitians in makeshift camps organize 'platoons' to provide services

Envisioning a new Haiti

Nigeria militants call off truce in oil-rich Niger Delta

Obama in the Republican lions’ den: Obama 2, lions 1

Unemployed for six months or more – and still looking for a job

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Civil rights icon Joseph Lowery admitted to hospital

Detroit Free Press

No-bid contract angers activists

As Kilpatrick clings to state pension, its value is disputed

In Riddle case, tapes do the talking in court

Chicago Tribune

Obama pairs a push for jobs with proposed spending cuts

Black History Month turns to the future

Vrdolyak's probation sentence reversed; prison possible

Our gaffe and 'gotcha' culture

The Washington Post

New media help conservatives get their anti-Obama message out

Stimulus created 600,000 jobs at the end of 2009, White House says

As food distribution improves, Haitians want U.S to 'take over'

Obama's $3.8 trillion budget heading to Congress

Chances are dim, but advocates will still push for immigration reform

D.C. Schools Chancellor Rhee's approval rating in deep slide

Justice Alito's candid response to Obama's rebuke


N.J. men recall civil-rights effort in Greensboro, N.C.

In Newark, political family connections play prominent role in campaigns

Christie, New Jersey brace for massive influx of Haitian refugees

Los Angeles Times

Whitman disavows "proud racist" councilman

Ignorance bites California in the wallet

L.A. considering 500 more layoffs

A fresh start with Villaraigosa

L.A. Unified unveils revamped 'report cards' evaluating its schools

Cal State to push students toward graduation


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