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Papers Line up Behind Obama

POSTED: October 27, 2008, 12:00 am

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The newspaper endorsements continue to pile up for Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama. Over the last we has scored major endorsements from the press in key, including an unlikely nod from a paper in Alaska, the state represented by GOP vice presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin, and the coveted seal of approval from The New York Times. Though endorsements should not be misread as an indicator of a candidate’s prospects for winning, they do represent, in many ways, the prevailing mood of the country. Equally impressive is the endorsement by the Hartford Courant. The Connecticut newspaper has only endorsed one other Democrat - Bill Clinton - in its over 200 year history. It marks the third major paper that has broke with its tradition by either endorsing a Democrat or making an endorsement outright.

Los Angeles Daily News

Barack Obama for president
October 20, 2008

His is a message that we're a people who might be down, might be facing hard times, but we still have a bright future. It's a message that makes us feel hopeful - not helpless - in the face of the climate crisis, that we can treat the elderly, the sick and the poor as a rich nation not only can, but should. And that in the end we can and will leave the country a better place for our children and grandchildren.

Read the full endorsement.

New York Times

Barack Obama for President
October 23, 2008

As tough as the times are, the selection of a new president is easy. After nearly two years of a grueling and ugly campaign, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois has proved that he is the right choice to be the 44th president of the United States.

Mr. Obama has met challenge after challenge, growing as a leader and putting real flesh on his early promises of hope and change. He has shown a cool head and sound judgment. We believe he has the will and the ability to forge the broad political consensus that is essential to finding solutions to this nation’s problems.

Read the full endorsement.

Philadelphia Daily News

Barack Obama for President
October 24, 2008

In fact, Barack Obama is about everything our recent history has not been - and which the campaign of Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin have no chance of becoming. Obama offers a clean break with "us vs. them" and "you're on your own" mentality. Instead, he presents the hope - and challenge - to be a country in which "we're all in this together."

Read the full endorsement.

Star Ledger

Barack Obama for president
October 25, 2008

Barack Obama offers America an opportunity to get back on track. His uniquely American story can inspire people from all walks of life to once again believe in what their country can accomplish.

Read the full endorsement.

Anchorage Daily News

Obama for president
October 25, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain.

Read the full endorsement.

Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, TX)

October 25, 2008

Obama provides the prescription for America’s ills at this moment: a fine, inquisitive intellect, paired with an eloquence that allows him to articulate a message with clarity and substance; an ability to inspire people of all ages, races and ethnicities who never before were engaged in the political process; and an unflappable temperament that allows him to weather a barrage of withering personal attacks.

Read the full endorsement.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Face of change belongs to Obama
October 25, 2008

Obama's vision and potential to be that change agent trump his relative lack of experience, though the experience he possesses is valuable. The maturity and calm demeanor he has exhibited these past two years in the public spotlight and earlier, speak to able, careful, inclusive leadership. And he is simply the better of the two on the issues.

Read the full endorsement.

Baltimore Sun

Obama for President
October 26, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama has the character, judgment and temperament to lead the nation wisely through difficult times and restore America's standing in the world.

Read the full endorsement.

Hartford Courant

We Endorse Obama for President
October 26, 2008

In its 244-year history, The Courant has endorsed only one Democratic candidate for president, Bill Clinton. Today we endorse a second Democrat, Sen. Barack Obama, with the hope that if elected, he governs from the middle as Mr. Clinton did. Mr. Obama must resist serving only his party's interests and instead serve the greater interests of a worried nation.

Read the full endorsement.

The Record (Bergen County, NJ)

Obama for president
October 26, 2008

Ronald Reagan offered Americans hope. Reagan personified a rational exuberance in this grand experiment with democracy. Obama has tapped into that in a way that no previous candidate could. More than 150 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that blacks in America, be they free or the descendants of slaves, were not U.S. citizens and had no rights. In January, a black American may have the constitutional authority to nominate justices to that same court. That would be an extraordinary moment.

Read the full endorsement.

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