today in black history

July 22, 2024

The first Black Power conference is held in Newark (N.J.)in 1967, with more than 1,000 delegates from 126 cities, Bermuda and Nigeria.

Today in Black America - April 20

POSTED: April 20, 2009, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Waterboarding Used 266 Times on 2 Suspects

U.N. Racism Conference Opens Without the U.S.

Obama’s Revenue Plans Hit Resistance in Congress

Cable Wars Are Killing Objectivity

A Real Problem, Here

The Washington Post

What Was the Civil War Really About?

Who Will Face Down the Gun Lobby?

Emanuel Rejects Trial for Memos' Authors

Study Finds Some Youths 'Addicted' to Video Games

The Christian Science Monitor

Chummy Obama, Chávez mark ’spirit of cooperation’ at summit

Nelson Mandela boosts Zuma at final ANC campaign rally

Obama torture policies slammed by critics on both sides

Why the US will boycott global racism conference

Baltimore Sun

A Maryland pioneer

Key evidence in Harris killing might be excluded

Family mourns troubled teen

Detroit Free Press

Tired of pundits, Chrysler workers want to tell their side

Dismal schools face state takeover Michigan public education

Anniversaries of Columbine, bombing met with resilience

Los Angeles Times

Getting to know the Obamas, on their terms

George McGovern urges pullout from Iraq this year

New Orleans' rich history of mixing races

Chicago Tribune

Katrina negligence case goes to trial

Sunset candlelight vigil honors 13 Columbine victims on eve of massacre's 10th anniversary

Race goals easier, not better


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