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McCain Picks Up Endorsements

POSTED: October 19, 2008, 12:00 am

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As the presidential race draws to an end, Senator John McCain, though trailing in most polls, has picked up some key endorsements from newspapers across the country. The following is a sampling.

The Tampa Tribune

Uncertain Times Require McCain’s Tested Vigilance
October 17, 2008

The direction of the nation is at stake in this election.

Hard economic times, a disappointing Republican administration and the seductive promises of a master orator are pushing America toward a European-style social democracy.

If you don't want that to happen, vote for Republican Sen. John McCain.

Read the full endorsement.

Dallas Morning News

We recommend John McCain for president
October 18, 2008

The Democrat talks about change, but only the Republican has made change happen. Only one candidate has a solid record of standing up to his own party on principle and working hand in hand with legislators from the opposing party to get things done.

That candidate is John McCain, a progressive conservative we recommend.

Read the full endorsement.

The (WV) Intelligencer

McCain a Leader On the Economy
October 16, 2008

No election in recent memory has occurred during a period when Americans were as concerned about the economy - about whether they will be able to put bread on the table next year or even next month - as they are now.

If your decision on how to cast your ballot for president is being made out of such concern, your vote should go to Sen. John McCain. His pledges for action to help American families promise real help - not just bigger, more expensive government. His record proves that he understands the economy

Reda the full endorsement.

Manchester Union Leader

McCain for President: A real leader for America
October 15, 2008

In this time of great uncertainty, America needs an experienced, decisive leader with clear vision and a steady hand to guide us through. That man is Sen. John McCain.

The troubles that will face the next President of the United States are numerous and perilous. They will test the character, the resolve and the mettle of the man we choose to deal with them. Of the two men who stand on the precipice of that great office, only John McCain has proved that he has what it takes to make the tough decisions in a time of crisis.

Read the full endorsement.

The Boston Herald

McCain for president: A certain leader for uncertain times
October 1, 2008

Another sobering start to an exceedingly sobering week - but one which points to the need for a political leader who is steady in the face of crisis, mature in judgment and able to reach across the aisle to break the gridlock that has for too long gripped Washington.

That man is Sen. John McCain and at this critical moment in history, this paper is pleased to endorse his candidacy for president of the United States.

Read the full endorsement.

New York Post

September 21, 2008

McCain's lifelong record of service to America, his battle-tested courage, unshakeable devotion to principle and clear grasp of the dangers and opportunities now facing the nation stand in dramatic contrast to the tissue-paper-thin résumé of his Democratic opponent, freshman Sen. Barack Obama.

Read the full endorsement.

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