today in black history

July 15, 2024

True Reformers Hall, the first building designed, financed and built by Blacks after Reconstruction is dedicated in 1903 in DC.

Today in Black America - Dec. 23

POSTED: December 23, 2008, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

States in South, West to Gain Seats in Congress

A Race to the Bottom

Washington Post

Deeper Cuts, Widespread Pain

Warren On? Party Off.

Light Rail Backed in Report on Purple Line

Baltimore Sun

Living through the violence, hoping for the best

Detroit Free Press

UAW head says union was left out

Mayors: Indiana needs stable GM, Chrysler

Conflicts loom for Obama

The Christian Science Monitor

Obama weighs a supersized stimulus plan

Grievances rise among young Europeans

Obama’s Labor pick a green-jobs advocate

Los Angeles Times

Toyota predicts its first annual operating loss in 7 decades

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Morris Brown scrambles for help; water shut off

Concerned Black Clergy protests plan for illegal immigrants

Seattle Times

Where’s bailout dough go? Few strings attached to taxpayers’ billions

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