today in black history

March 26, 2025

Black abolitionist and businessman George DeBaptiste was born on this date in 1815 in Virginia.

Today in Black America - February 2

POSTED: February 02, 2021, 9:00 am

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The New York Times

Mitch McConnell Says Marjorie Taylor Green's 'Loony Lies' Are a 'Cancer' on GOP

‘Don’t Kill Me’: Others Tell of Abuse by Officer Who Knelt on George Floyd

Why Are There So Few Black Economists at the Fed?

The Baltimore Sun

Baltimore County schools announce plans to reopen for students in March; teachers to return by mid-February

What happens after you get the COVID vaccine? Here’s what you should do and expect, according to Hopkins experts

Maryland facing shortage of second COVID vaccine doses, health secretary says

The Chicago Sun-Times

CPS won’t lock out teachers this week, pushing back strike threat in hopes of ‘final resolution’

Jesse Jackson: It’s time for action on a stimulus package

It’s February, but Illinois’ COVID-19 metrics making it look more like October

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

APD officers fired for using Tasers on college students reinstated

State auditor warns Georgia’s top credit rating could be in trouble

AJC POLL: A third of Georgia adults reluctant to take vaccine

The coup attempt, law enforcement and white supremacy | Opinion

They go to different N.J. high schools. But they have class together every week to talk big issues.

Amended whistleblower suit accuses private bus company of defrauding NJ Transit since 2003

USA Today

A 9-year-old was pepper-sprayed by police. Here's what should have happened instead

Antiracism's Ibram Kendi thinks big: Why not equality right now?

Biden to create task force to reunite families separated at border, sign order to review asylum program

The Washington Post

The GOP once knew what to do about problems like Marjorie Taylor Greene

Right-wing mobs are a real danger. Fencing at the Capitol won’t help.

Anti-vaccine protest at Dodger Stadium was organized on Facebook, including promotion of banned ‘Plandemic’ video

The Detroit Free Press

Metro Detroit Black History Month celebrations will be mostly virtual

WGPR-TV Historical Society acknowledged as a historic landmark by the National Register

Program to help Michigan renters avoid eviction on hold until Legislature approves funding

Pennsylvania survived the 2020 election. Now comes the hard part.

Window fans may be Philly’s fix for schools with no ventilation. But teachers and parents are saying no way.

Philly’s Acori Honzo is sculpting figurines of famous Black folks to acknowledge Black excellence

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