today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - May 5

POSTED: May 05, 2015, 11:00 am

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Today in Black History: On this date in 1950 Gwendolyn Brooks became the first Black to win the Pulitzer Prize for poetry

The New York Times

Blow: Restoring Faith in Justice

Krugman: Race, Class and Neglect

Opinion: The Big Problem With the New SAT

Carly Fiorina and Mike Huckabee Joining G.O.P. Race on Heels of Ben Carson

Obama Finds a Bolder Voice on Race Issues

New York Senate Leader and Son Are Arrested on Corruption Charges

Lawsuit Leads to New Limits on Solitary Confinement at Juvenile Prisons in Illinois

2 With Ties to Christie Plead Not Guilty in Bridge Scandal

Brian Moore, New York Police Officer Shot in the Head, Dies

Lobbying Campaign Aims to Overhaul Housing Tax Abatement Plan

The Baltimore Sun

Op-ed: Suburban visitors to Baltimore see its best and criticize its worst from afar

Special session in Annapolis to address Freddie Gray issues seems unlikely

The Star Ledger

Roselle Park councilman switches parties 5 days after taking office

Union County Vo-Tech students make emotional plea for teachers' jobs (PHOTOS)

Fire, recreation departments targeted in Atlantic City layoff plan, report says

N.J. activists ask for more police oversight in petition after in-custody deaths

What will a reformed Newark police department look like?

The Christian Science Monitor

At violent protests in Israel, new generation of Ethiopian Jews is heard (+video)

Anti-Muhammad cartoon contest: Free speech or deliberately provocative? (+video)

Breaking military's ultimate glass ceiling? Women start Ranger training.

The Detroit Free Press

Gov. Snyder: Time to simplify federal tax code

Snyder shuts down Cabinet position speculation

ICE agent's lawyer: Shooting of Detroiter was 'by the book'

New labor relations execs promise to include state workers

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

John Kasich builds his 2016 team

Man killed in double shooting at Cleveland elementary school playground

Restore Public Utility Commission of Ohio's multiparty composition: editorial

Cleveland NAACP forum offers tips on staying safe during police encounters, protests (photos, video)

The Los Angeles Times

L.A. sues Wells Fargo, alleging 'unlawful and fraudulent conduct'

Amid drought, state is poised to adopt emergency water regulations

DEA agents jail student 5 days with no food, water; get slap on wrist

City is paying heavily for LAFD bias suits

The Washington Post

Here’s what Americans don’t want to see in a president

Can Hillary Clinton win over Latino voters?

Black and white agree on Freddie Gray. But no, we are not suddenly united.

Obama launches My Brother’s Keeper Alliance to help young men of color

Bill Clinton defends foundation and paid speeches: ‘I gotta pay our bills’

Obama's message to young men of color: 'You matter'

Why civil rights groups say parents who opt out of tests are hurting kids

Leggett revives controversial proposal for new Montgomery transit authority

Paul L. Vance, former Montgomery County schools superintendent, dies

Poor D.C. babies are more than 10 times as likely to die as rich ones

USA Today

Chlamydia Outbreak Stuns Texas High School

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