today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - July 29

POSTED: July 29, 2013, 7:00 am

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Today in Black History: American volleyball star Flo Hyman, a member of the 1984 silver medal winning U.S. Olympic team, is born in 1954 in Inglewood, California.

The New York Times

Keller: Profiling Obama

Obama Says Income Gap Is Fraying U.S. Social Fabric

Facing a Recall After Supporting Stronger Gun Laws in Colorado

Some Chiefs Chafing as Justice Department Keeps Closer Eye on Policing

Invoking Zimmerman, Thompson Seizes New York Frisking as Campaign Issue

Harlem Stage Prepares to Export Its Own Opera

The Christian Science Monitor

Anthony Weiner on ropes: more questions and Clintons want him out

Why Obama says Korean War vets 'deserve better'

The Monitor's View: After Zimbabwe election, Mugabe needs a way out

The Star Ledger

Shootings in Irvington leave at least one dead, several wounded

Homicides, shootings, on pace to double in Irvington after two-month crime surge

Franklin Youth Police Academy trains students in police and military skills

Cory Booker's celebrity status could cut both ways in U.S. Senate

In Roselle, clash between borough council and school board revolves around former mayor

Atlantic City, suburbs exchange blame on crime rate

The Detroit Free Press

The truth about Detroit: Why not use auto bailout money?

Choosing candidates: Voters in Detroit districts 1, 2 and 3 want help with crime and blight

Detroit police: Sergeant arrested in connection with armed robbery

2013 Detroit City Council district map, primary election preview

Deaths of 'Eat 'Em Up Tigers' James and Dreadlock Mike bring outrage, sadness

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

Bikers rally for Trayvon Martin | Photos

Trayvon Martin rally held in downtown Marietta

The Washington Post

Fighting for the right to an education that includes government oversight

Dionne: Yes, let’s mess with Texas

King’s claim on valedictorians and smugglers

After Zimmerman verdict, a racial divide lingers

Urban League convention reflects trend toward activism

McAuliffe sends mixed messages in tour of Virginia

D.C. summer-school enrollment fails to meet target

The Chicago Tribune

Republican leader Tom Cross finds himself in political cross hairs

Metra board members stand by severance deal for ousted CEO

State inmate Deon Patrick hopes for freedom as co-defendant exonerated

Lake County exoneration could ripple beyond Illinois

Online voter registration likely to become law

Commission finds evidence of police torture in 5 convictions

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Editorial: Detroit's plunge into the rapids of bankruptcy is a message to all city leaders

Fostered teens in Ohio get lessons in making it on their own

Advocates say poor Ohioans suffering under welfare-to-work changes

Cuyahoga County sheriff's deputies harassed Juvenile Court clerk, inspector general says

The Los Angeles Times

Compton's first Latino councilman raises doubts

More inmates head to prison infirmaries during hunger strike

Pat Brown stood firm on civil rights

Former UC Davis cop in pepper-spraying case wants worker's comp

Jordan High's staff shakeup puts students on better track

USA Today

U.S. roads, bridges are decaying despite stimulus influx

Early high school graduation programs gain traction

Hijacking Social Security

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