today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - June 25

POSTED: June 25, 2013, 7:30 am

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Today in Black History: President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Fair Employment Practices Commission by Executive Order 8802 on this date in 1941.

Trayvon Martin Case Coverage from MIami Herald

Lawyers reveal diverging strategies in George Zimmerman trial

NAACP holds Sanford town hall at start of George Zimmerman trial

The New York Times

Justices Step Up Scrutiny of Race in College Entry

A Long, Slow Drift From Racial Justice

Editorial: A Reprieve for Affirmative Action

Documents Show Liberals in I.R.S. Dragnet

U.S. Unveils Health Care Web Site and Call Center

Fund-Raiser for Thompson Has History of Swindling

New Leader Is Named for Medgar Evers College

CUNY Union Endorses de Blasio

The Christian Science Monitor

Supreme Court makes it harder for workers to win discrimination lawsuits

Supreme Court sends Texas affirmative action case back to lower court

The Monitor's View: In Texas affirmative-action ruling, Supreme Court seeks race-blind admissions

Edward Snowden gives countries a chance to thumb nose at US

Were Obama recess appointments constitutional? Supreme Court takes case

The Star Ledger

Westfield board votes to place full-time police officer in schools

Tsunami-like wave in N.J. being investigated

Birdsall Services Group contributed more than $35,000 to political campaigns in Mercer County

Former Essex County sheriff's officer admits to extortion charges

N.J. Assembly passes several bills dealing with guns and violence

The Washington Post

Affirmative action returned to lower court

Supreme Court splits openly on worker protection suits

Whistleblower advocates and the Snowden case

IRS scrutiny of groups seeking tax-exempt status ranged broadly

The ‘Latino vote’ doesn't exist

No indictment for Loudoun official in campaign probe

The Detroit Free Press

Gary Brown remains mum on job with Kevyn Orr's office

FBI looking into contracts at Wayne County Sheriff's Office

High court's ruling points to backing Michigan affirmative action ban

Judge: Wade McCree brought 'shame' to the bench

Michigan Merit Exam, ACT test results offer mixed picture of student gains

The Chicago Tribune

Chicago public school property taxes going up

Local school's reaction to admission ruling: 'Breathing sigh of relief'

CPS principal recounts alleged rape at court hearing

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Pew report says children in Ohio struggle to get access to dental care

Ohio Gov. John Kasich hits new high in Quinnipiac poll; Ed FitzGerald remains largely unknown

Cuyahoga County foster parents to receive respite services

Editorial: Lax gun laws do Ohio no favors

The Los Angeles Times

Justices: L.A. can't take homeless' belongings

Brown signs bill for more closed-door meetings

Gov. Jerry Brown submits plan, unwillingly, to reduce inmates

USA Today

Judge Hatchett weighs in on Zimmerman jury, 911 audio

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