today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - January 30

POSTED: January 30, 2013, 7:00 am

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Today in Black History: Franklin A. Thomas was named president of the Ford Foundation in 1979, the first Black to run the philanthropy.

The New York Times

Obama Urges Speed on Immigration Plan, but Exposes Conflicts

Editorial: A Better Immigration Plan

For Republicans, a Push From Voters on Immigration and a Tug on Gun Control

To Open Eyes, W-2s List Cost of Providing a Health Plan

LaHood to Leave Transportation Department

Strict Gun Laws in Chicago Can’t Stem Fatal Shots

Gun Rights Backers, Stung by Cuomo’s Law, Push to Undo It

Bloomberg Seeks Spending Limits, but No Tax Increases

Catsimatidis Announces Bid for Mayor

The Christian Science Monitor

Immigration reform: a bid to attract workers who will boost the economy

The Monitor's View: Immigration reform as a path to conscience, not just citizenship

Why combat role for US women could reverberate worldwide

Will your state taxes go up? How legislatures are leaning.

The Star Ledger

Newark man arrested in Atlanta, charged in connection to shooting outside Essex County College

With nomination assured, Buono receives support of South Jersey Democrats

Christie nominates judges to fill a dozen of the many open posts in N.J.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

Georgia lawmakers welcome immigration plans, wary of details

Fulton can’t shake feds’ oversight of jail

Cities resume plans for $16 million emergency radio system

The Detroit Free Press

GOP leaders brush off electoral changes that would have won Michigan for Romney

U.S. winding up case in Kwame Kilpatrick trial with more texts, recorded calls

Bill would lift age limits for Michigan's judges

Inkster district could convert high school into a charter school

The Washington Post

Lawmakers see no deal in sight to stop sequester

Federal-union officials talk about budget battles

Bloomberg PAC goes after NRA ally Halvorson with new ad

NRA chief: Gun owners will resist new laws

Names of Washington Redskins and Negro Mountain must be changed

O’Malley to cement legacy with speech

Gray: D.C. will save $417 million surplus

The Chicago Tribune

Girl who performed at Obama inaugural slain on South Side

January homicide count worst since 2002

Moseley Braun's brother among dozens seeking 7th Ward seat

Charter advocates rally as school-closing critics pack meetings

Ex-Illinois state ethics panel member gets ethics fine

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Cleveland probe into deadly police shooting continues, at least 115 officers and personnel involved in chase

State Sen. Nina Turner unveils bill to boost registration, ease voting rules

Ed FitzGerald taps Strickland and Obama veteran Aaron Pickrell to advise gubernatorial exploration

Secretary of State Jon Husted and other Republicans say Electoral College changes not in store for Ohio

Akron police captain Douglas Prade innocent, to be released, judge rules

The Los Angeles Times

Californians reflect U.S. divide on immigration

New proposal worries shelter operators

USA Today

Background check bills get traction on the Hill

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