today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - December 6

POSTED: December 06, 2012, 8:30 am

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The New York Times

Raise the Economy’s Speed Limit

Obama Appeals to Business for Support on Tax Plan

In Tax Fight, G.O.P. Seeks a Position to Fall Back On

Ryan and Rubio Say Republicans Must Work on Aiding Middle Class

States Cut Antismoking Outlays Despite Record Tobacco Revenue

Storm Writes a New Script in Campaigns for New York Mayor

The Christian Science Monitor

Winter looming, New York rushes to repair homes hit by superstorm Sandy

Obama attempts 'fiscal cliff' coup: winning over business leaders

New push for two-year degrees could be smart move for US, report says

Still playing offense, White House seeks to rewrite debt ceiling rules

Why might Republicans cave in 'fiscal cliff' talks?

The Star Ledger

Heated Newark council battle has been building for months

O'Brien: Cory Booker's food stamp shopping, critiqued

Current and former Essex County freeholders face ELEC campaign finance reporting complaints

Christie's plan to privatize lottery comes under fire from Democrats

The Detroit Free Press

Right-to-work bill may be introduced today

Gov. Rick Snyder's administration drafts bill to address shortcomings of current emergency manager law

$500 restitution paid, but ex-mayor still has a court date

Emergency financial manager or no, 3 candidates say they'd still run for Detroit mayor

Rochelle Riley: Detroit about to get a checkup from Dr. Michigan

State tells Detroit that it's out of time to fix fiscal mess; begins emergency manager process

The Washington Post

Some in GOP seek broader fiscal deal

Cantor: House will not recess without a deal

Rice nomination and White House musical chairs

White House touts drop of more than $20 billion in contract spending

Democrats tout diversity

Judge rules neither Tiffany Alston nor Greg Hall should get state delegate seat

FBI is said to probe allegations that Gray’s staff concealed donations

A growing list of Gray investigations

The Chicago Tribune

Gang expert to head up Chicago police's South Side district

Unions reject plans for pension overhaul

State senator had gun in garment bag at O'Hare, police say

Child Trauma Center helps heal youth

CPS passed over for Gates grant, for now

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

Home-related purchases called key to recovery

Fulton balks at hiring lobbyists at $260K

Nonprofits hope Georgia Gives Day brings in donations, awareness

Fate of superintendent Erroll Davis unclear

Fulton Science Academy High School “caught by surprise” by the district’s decision to terminate its charter

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Cleveland police ordered to terminate chase 5 minutes before deadly shooting, radio recordings reveal (video, gallery, audio)

Minister who worked with Timothy Russell says his car often backfired

Malissa Williams arrested dozens of times before she was killed after car chase

Ohio lawmakers approve greater safeguards for child athletes who suffer concussions

Cleveland schools to resume full days for K-8 students on Jan. 22

The Los Angeles Times

South L.A.'s First AME Church in battle for control

Pelosi to host memorial service for Mervyn Dymally in Washington

Changes to California children's healthcare won't be delayed, official says

Expect Democrats to be robust, not reticent, in wielding power

USA Today

Obama to visit family to sell tax plan

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