today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - January 31

POSTED: January 31, 2012, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

On Eve of Florida Primary, Romney and Gingrich Travel State in Appeal to Voters

Buoyant Romney Speaks of Victory in Florida

Second Year In, Republican Governors Moderate Tone

Editorial: Taxing the Poor

Segregation Curtailed in U.S. Cities, Study Finds

Bill to Prohibit Insider Trading by Members of Congress Advances in Senate

When Different Parts of the Country May Recover

Albany Redistricting Plan Faulted as Unfair to Minorities

The Christian Science Monitor

Polls show Florida rout. Can Newt Gingrich survive till convention?

Newt Gingrich the tea party favorite? Not necessarily in Florida. (+video)

South Sudan's oil cutoff: brilliant negotiating, or suicide?

The Star Ledger

N.J. Assembly panel passes bill to add fluoride to public water supply

Gov. Christie nominates Michael Cunniff as permanent head of N.J. veterans affairs

While clarifying remarks linking civil rights to gay marriage, Gov. Christie calls N.J. assemblyman 'numbnuts'

Head of N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance to step down

The Detroit Free Press

Michigan poll: 58% oppose raising fees, gas taxes to fix up roads

Graphic: Poll findings on roads, Gov. Snyder, taxes

If unions won't budge, Detroit may have to take drastic budget measures

Judge tells Detroit police: Fix complaint backlog or face fines

Lansing mayor offers apology in wake of American Indian remarks

Thousands facing foreclosure threat due to unpaid property taxes attend hearing at Cobo

The Washington Post

With Newt and Mitt, pragmatic vs. epic

GOP presidential race could grind on and on

Will Romney-Gingrich battle lead to costly split in the GOP?

Senate debates insider-trading bill

Obama’s push to revive middle class bucks trend

Michelle Rhee’s empty claims about her D.C. schools record

Gray to call for inquiry into housing deal

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

Morehouse president steps down

2 education voucher bills could be headed for floor votes

APS to hold second of four redistricting meetings

APS gets high marks for website

The Chicago Tribune

Number of asset-poor Americans rising

Emanuel won't say if backers getting city money amounts to patronage

Chicago water sampling shows high levels of lead

Quinn's State of the State speech to focus on jobs, helping families instead of Illinois money woes

Sauk Village police chief survives bid to oust him, lock him out of office

The Los Angeles Times

Supervisors' private session with Brown violated law, D.A. says

Marine admits hazing California Marine who committed suicide in Afghanistan

Judge blocks cut to healthcare for poor Californians

Claremont McKenna College inflated freshman SAT scores, probe finds

USA Today

Black segregation at century low, study finds

Obama green energy programs face investigation

Poll: Voters not enthused by GOP field

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Cleveland Fire Department plan to end hiring bias must get new look before elimination, court rules

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