today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - January 12

POSTED: January 12, 2012, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Economic Woes Loom Larger as G.O.P. Heads South

With Recent Criticism, Romney’s Rivals Bring a Smile to the White House

Expensive and Bitter Media War Already Ignited

Obama Calls for Tax Breaks to Return Jobs From Abroad

Budget Cuts Hamper the I.R.S. in Efforts to Collect Billions in Taxes, Report Says

Survey Finds Rising Perception of Class Tension

New York City Charter School Finds That a Grade of ‘C’ Means Closing

State Gets 20,000 Comments on Its Gas Drilling Rules by Deadline

The Christian Science Monitor

Africa Rising: Jeffrey Sachs says Ghana's future looks bright

Landmark Supreme Court ruling a 'resounding win' for religious groups

For Mitt Romney, it's likely to feel a lot hotter in South Carolina (+video)

'King of Bain': 6 questions answered about anti-Mitt Romney attack ads

Recent rebel attacks in Congo highlight complexity of protecting civilians

The Star Ledger

Spurned Union County official sues after being given $120K do-nothing job

N.J. activists work to introduce bill eliminating lifetime alimony payments

NJTV blasted yet again for Statehouse coverage

Assemblyman loses chairmanship after backing rival to Assembly Speaker

Jersey City businessman who ran for state Senate, 2 others charged with real estate fraud, cops say

The Detroit Free Press

Tuskegee Airmen's fighting story soars on big screen in 'Red Tails'

Jeff Gerritt: Powerful prison truths -- Inmates deliver a message and some love in youth program

Kwame Kilpatrick's lawyer happy for dismissal of suit over release of texts, says it should be in state court

Detroit police: We're now 80% compliant with U.S. reform mandate

State to Detroit: Get union concessions by Feb.

The Washington Post

At Bain, Romney used ‘creative destruction’

Mormons worry about acceptance but embrace differences, survey indicates

Mitt Romney’s (still) secret money

Miss. judge blocks release of inmates granted pardon, clemency by Barbour

In Haiti, emerging signs of progress two years after devastating quake

Helping troubled Virginia youths

Glenn Ivey quits race against Rep. Edwards

GOP takes over Va. General Assembly

Full text: Virginia State of the State address

The Atlanta Journal Consitution

11 Georgia schools win funding

Ga. foreclosures down in 2011

Plan to have high schoolers declare a career path faces delay

Local government concerns force foreclosure registry bill back to committee

Mayor Reed meets with Obama

The Chicago Tribune

Michelle Obama rejects 'angry black woman' label

Chicago-area foreclosure filings decrease

1 added Hispanic ward might bridge remap gap

Basketball star who learned to read after college still faces an uphill battle

New reward for smart use of longer school day

The Los Angeles Times

Budget expert: Tax hikes won't help schools

Foreclosures expected to rise, pushing home prices lower

Tucson students confront loss of their Chicano studies class

USA Today

Haiti disaster help lags badly

Occupy Wall Street returns to NYC's Zuccotti Park

CDC: Homicide drops off top 15 causes of death in U.S.

Miss. judge blocks release of 21 convicts Barbour pardoned

Right-to-work protesters boo Ind. governor's address

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Ohio State University President E. Gordon Gee's comment raises some eyebrows

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson is crafting a plan for the Cleveland schools and Gov. John Kasich is poised to help make it happen (video)

Urban farm among 3 groups getting $100,000 grants to fight hunger in Northeast Ohio

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