today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - November 28

POSTED: November 28, 2011, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

'Spreading the Wealth' in Democrats' Favor

Cain Acknowledges Shift in His Fortunes

Senator Questions Extension of Tax Cut

The Price of Intolerance

Principals Protest Role of Testing in Evaluations

In Newark, a More Welcoming Response to Occupiers

With Blocks, Educators Go Back to Basics

The Christian Science Monitor

After extending olive branch, Los Angeles posts eviction notice on Occupy LA camp

Newt Gingrich: Union Leader endorsement a big boost in New Hampshire

Ron Paul’s strategy for winning: Independent and cross-over voters

Penn State football needs a time out

The Star Ledger

Report: Wyclef Jean's Haiti charity spent less than a third of funds raised on disaster relief

Slain Lakehurst toddler's funeral scheduled for Monday, father still sought in nationwide manhunt

Number of N.J. residents receiving food stamps doubled in last four years

Black and Hispanic N.J. residents less likely to own homes following housing crisis, U.S. Census reveals

The Washington Post

A recusal battle before the high court

Will demographic shifts save Obama?

The view from Obama’s Chicago team

Moderate Americans Elect group hopes to add third candidate to 2012 ballot

George and Mitt: Like father, not quite like son

Cain’s assertion that he could win over black voters is dismissed by analysts

Va. family struggles to get justice

Coppin State battling poor graduation rates

The Detroit Free Press

Bill would create Right to Farm Act exemption for Detroit

No child without a Christmas gift is goal of Detroit Goodfellows' fund-raiser today

Republicans use advantage in Michigan Legislature

Rochelle Riley: A new idea for an old eyesore

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

FAMU band director seeks job back

Lawsuits planned in FAMU death

No. 2 APS boss aims to rebuild trust

Georgia troops return from Iraq

Plan for Atlanta City Council's new district maps proceeds, with disagreements

Young leaders sought for Atlanta hub of Global Shapers

The Los Angeles Times

Protesters remain mostly peaceful in faceoff with police

Cash-strapped cities want workers to contribute more to pensions

42% of L.A. sidewalks await repairs

Lawmakers hedge on economic compromise

Backers of initiatives to boost revenue see growing public support

Congressional Black Caucus backs Laura Richardson in 44th District

The Chicago Tribune

Quinn names Calica new head of child welfare agency

Federal court pushes back congressional candidate filing while Illinois map in dispute

Teachers express concern over evaluation

Doctor profiles prove popular online

Exonerated, freed and facing a new life

USA Today

Syracuse fires assistant basketball coach Fine

Many poised to defy Occupy LA deadline

Ruling on Ala. immigration law averts exodus, groups say

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Cuyahoga County invests in preschool, while Cleveland schools cut programs

Ohio State Patrol sees major spike in drug seizures this year

Supercommittee's failure will trigger 'some ugly things' in Ohio

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