today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - November 22

POSTED: November 22, 2011, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

For Deficit Panel, Failure Cuts Two Ways

A Failure Is Absorbed With Disgust and Fear, but Little Surprise

Obama Weighed Risks of Engagement, and Decided to Give Voters the Final Say

Stimulus Measures Set to Expire at Year’s End Will Be Next Fiscal Battle

Republicans in Indiana to Seek Law Limiting Unions

California’s Campus Movements Dig In Their Heels

Low-Tax Cigarettes, Made in Store, Draw City Lawsuit

CUNY Students Protesting Tuition Increase Clash With Police

The Christian Science Monitor

Deficit super committee fails: Who's to blame?

Poll: In 2012 swing states, Obama is tied with Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich

Could UC Davis pepper-spray fury bring down the chancellor?

Why Indiana GOP wants to attack labor unions, despite Midwest backlash

The Star Ledger

ARC rail tunnel's high price tag, financial impact criticized at transportation forum

N.J. Assembly panel clears bill allowing sale of hypodermic needles in stores

Gov. Christie nominates new DCA commissioner

N.J. Assembly panel passes bill requiring sprinkler systems in new homes

Chunk of Zuckerberg-donated $100M for Newark schools spent on literacy pilot program

Gov. Christie to Democrats: 'You want to cut positions out of me, I'll cut positions out of you'

Christie accuses N.J. Office of Legislative Services of inflating revenue projections to help Dems

The Detroit Free Press

Detroit Public Schools reins in spending, but more budget trouble is looming

Detroit City Council's plan: Increase income taxes, cut up to 2,300 jobs

Ex-party official pleads in tea party case

Detroit City Council considers tax hike, firefighter and police layoffs to save city from insolvency

The Washington Post

Leaders of supercommittee concede defeat

Editorial: Committee’s super failure

Bush tax cuts back in the spotlight

Religious lobbying groups multiply on Capitol Hill, new survey shows

Gingrich calls child labor laws ‘truly stupid’

Prosecutors seek tough sentence for Jack Johnson in corruption case

Hoyer will back Edwards in Democratic primary

Virginia Democrats say they will sue for right to share control of Senate

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

High cost of APS cheating

APS to hold meetings on demographic study

King Center providing 1,100 turkeys for holiday dinner

The Los Angeles Times

Occupy protesters receive offer to leave City Hall

L.A. occupies its own niche

UC Davis chief apologizes over pepper spray

The Chicago Tribune

Head of Emanuel's business panel vows transparency

Fox News viewers less informed about current events, poll shows

Partial settlement reached in Bridgeport housing discrimination case

Quinn report challenges revenue figure touted by backers of gambling expansion

Walsh calls Occupy protesters clueless, anti-American

USA Today

GOP candidates face foreign policy challenge

Super fail: Budget issues loom

Ex-FBI director Freeh to lead Penn State probe

Del. OKs neo-Nazi group in highway program

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Low-key Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson emerging as man with big ideas

Cleveland mayor not ready to prosecute firefighters for pay scandal

University Hospital's Bedford, Richmond ERs focus on senior care

Cleveland police union President Steve Loomis voted out of office

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