today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - October 17

POSTED: October 17, 2011, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

A Dedication to King, and the Work Yet to Do

Big Cash Edge Powers Obama in Drive for ’12

Debates Sway Media Coverage, Study Finds

Questions About Ad Dogged Perry in 1990 Race

Ohio Wages Fierce Fight on Collective Bargaining

On Taxes and Fences, Cain Stumbles a Bit

Does Anyone Have a Grip on the G.O.P.?

Union’s Deal With Cuomo May Prevent 3,500 Layoffs

The Christian Science Monitor

Got protests? A call to action for Occupy Wall Street, groups worldwide

'Occupy' protests go global, riding wave of economic frustration

Herman Cain 9-9-9 sticker shock? 18% sales tax possible in some states.

Deficit 'super committee' flooded with ideas. Will any of them work?

Florida firing squads? What has death penalty supporters all riled up?

The Washington Post

‘In this place, he will stand for all time’

Education: The civil rights issue that matters most

Community college placement falters

Occupy Wall Street protests continue world wide

Obama’s money: How big an advantage is it?

Veterans’ unemployment outpaces civilian rate

If everyone is unhappy with the Supreme Court, has it found the right spot?

Feds dig into Gray campaign

Rebuilding the community bank

The Star Ledger

Gov. Chris Christie: GOP won't take control of N.J. Legislature in November elections

GOP sees chance to make inroads on Essex County freeholder board

Newark police officer shoots and wounds driver accused of fleeing attempted stop

Former Newark deputy mayor faces 20 years in prison following extortion conspiracy conviction

The Detroit Free Press

Rochelle Riley: King's dream must not end with dedication of a monument

Food banks, soup kitchens lose state and other aid as need for services grows

Occupy Detroit peaceful as hundreds march, camp out

Wayne State University to open Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights this week

The truth on Detroit

Detroit City Charter vote

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

King's work lauded

The little-known story of MLK's ‘drum major for justice’

Occupy Atl. turns focus to jobs

Foreclosures hurt neighbors, too

MARTA shooting | Dead man's brother says he was shot in back

The Chicago Tribune

Obama likens civil rights to economy fight at memorial

Protests give city trial run for summits

Remap ruling could cut against Dem Congressional Campaign Committee

Preckwinkle plays hardball with Cook County unions

Teachers union asks Illinois labor board to send longer day flap to court

On budget, Emanuel faces true test of his leadership

Foundation puts ex-cons to work

The Los Angeles Times

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial dedicated in Washington

Submachine guns, handguns stolen from LAPD

Democrats push to get more voters to cast ballots by mail

Bill would remove penalty for tapping 401(k) to avoid foreclosure

L.A. Unified principals to see teachers' effectiveness ratings

California schools scrambling to add lessons on LGBT Americans

L.A. schools need billions in facilities upgrades, report finds

USA Today

Thousands honor Dr. King's legacy Sunday on the Mall.

Dow, Nasdaq move back into black for the year

U.S. firms in default hit lowest since April 2008

Cain builds effort around plan for tax overhaul

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

King family calls for economic fairness at Martin Luther King memorial dedication

Northeast Ohio schools, cities must find fresh ways to convince voters to approve tax issues

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announces restrictions on in-person absentee voting

Ohio Supreme Court orders secretary of state to consider referendum vote on new Ohio congressional maps

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