today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - June 27

POSTED: June 27, 2011, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

U.S. Plans Stealth Survey on Access to Doctors

The Right’s Blogger Provocateur

For San Diego Schools, a Fear That Larger Classes Will Hinder Learning

Third-Party Groups Take Up Challenge of How Best to Improve Public Universities

Recalling First Black Appointed to New York Police Dept.

Taking a Spin on the Hudson, and Earning Course Credit, Too

‘Pilot’ Label Lets Mayor’s Projects Skip City Review

For Council Speaker, Enjoying a Run of Good Fortune

The Baltimore Sun

Debt debate puts Maryland's federal workers on edge

University aiming to support local green efforts

Boy, 15, fatally shot by friend in apparent accident at sleepover

Rough time for Eastern Shore's poultry industry

The Detroit Free Press

Unions call Detroit's bluff on more concessions

Jewish, African-American leaders convene in Detroit for antipoverty conference

Rochelle Riley: Snyder's gamble is a big risk

State Senate to take up teacher tenure overhaul legislation

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

Better pay for math, science teachers?

What's Beverly Hall's legacy?

Two APS finalists to meet public Wednesday

Feds break up Ga.-Iran weapons scheme

The Christian Science Monitor

Obama, GOP radio duel over government debt ceiling

With 'Courage, New Hampshire,' tea party movement enters world of entertainment

Iowa in the spotlight with Sarah Palin and President Obama visiting Tuesday

Seattle arrests show how domestic terror fight is evolving

How will New York's gay marriage law affect the 2012 election and beyond?

The Chicago Tribune

Quinn to sign workers' compensation reform Tuesday

West Englewood baseball program producing wins, and winners

1,000 Chicago teachers to be let go in annual layoff

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle to hold first fundraiser

Emanuel announces plan to expand teacher training program

CPS uses modest ISAT gains to argue for extended school day

The Los Angeles Times

Obama's instincts gain the edge over his advisors

Private donors run second nonprofit for Brown

L.A. Unified's new homework policy gives students a break

High school graduation season comes to a close

The Washington Post

GOP deal could mean military cuts

A new blow to wobbly housing market?

Officials urge participation in HIV testing day

Receipts will point to Romney 2012

First lady’s time to shine

D.C. plans for HIV testing day

3 faiths, 1 message of respect

The numbers that private schools fear

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

New Ohio criminal sentencing bill to save millions by letting inmates out early, sending low-level felons to prison alternatives

Breakthrough charter schools buying four closed buildings from Cleveland school district

Hordes of unruly teens shut down Cleveland Heights street fair

Protest today over police shooting during crash investigation

U.S. Justice Department renews interest in police brutality accusations like those faced by Cleveland officers

Cleveland councilman to serve in Afghanistan

USA Today

Critics push Obama to change faith-based hiring rules

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