today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - March 1

POSTED: March 01, 2011, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Majority in Poll Back Employees in Public Sector Unions

In Wisconsin, Flinging Blame and Citing Deadlines

Obama Backs Easing State Health Law Mandates

Unintended, but Sound Advice

Battle for Libya Rages as Qaddafi Strikes Back

U.S. Readies Military Options on Libya

Rev. Peter J. Gomes, Harvard Minister, Dies at 68

After Business and Politics, Mayor Tests Opinion

Cuomo Seeks to Cap Pay for School Superintendents

Detroit Free Press

Kid Rock, Detroit police to get NAACP salutations

Eastern Michigan University program offers single parents a home on campus

Rochelle Riley: Parents on the front line in drug fight

The Christian Science Monitor

Health care reform: How big is Obama's concession?

Congress nears deal to avert government shutdown – for now

Wisconsin governor to missing senators: Come back or I'll lay off 1,500

US says Qaddafi must go, as action against Libya quickens

Ivory Coast violence escalates as mediation efforts stall

Tunisia's PM Ghannouchi quits amid new protests for real change

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

Atlanta to pick superintendent search firm Tuesday

New tax on personal services?

APD launches community meetings

The Baltimore Sun

State workers, companies brace for federal shutdown

Baltimore City loses federal funding to eliminate lead paint

The Star Ledger

N.J. voters are split on Gov. Christie's budget proposal, heavily favor tax hikes on millionaires, poll shows

N.J. Democrats schedule override votes on Christie's vetoes of jobs, economic growth bills

U.S. Supreme Court denies pharmaceuticals' appeal on overtime pay

FCC investigating whether TV station is providing enough N.J. coverage

Dozens of Camden firefighters, police officers rally around city hall

Chicago Tribune

'I'm being penalized for living too long'

Ryan defends widespread pardons

Daley, Emanuel talk about mayoral transition

Top cop Jody Weis on his future: 'We'll see'

The Washington Post

Poll: Blame for possible shutdown divided

Why Wisconsin matters

High court tries to crack cocaine case

Many Americans have poor health literacy

Report critical of Brown's wheels

The Los Angeles Times

Bell aide says she thought loans to officials were legal

Jerry Brown eases plan to shift prisoner responsibility

Race for open school board seat shaping up as a surprise

L.A. Unified set to renew charter contract despite evidence of cheating

USA Today

'Dynamic' duo of Kagan, Sotomayor add vigor to court

High gas prices rattle drivers and businesses

Wisconsin one of 41 states where public workers earn more

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