today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - January 11

POSTED: January 11, 2011, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

In Giffords’s District, a Long History of Tension

In Tucson, Guns Have a Broad Constituency

Palin, Amid Criticism, Stays in Electronic Comfort Zone

Deep Social Services Cuts Outlined in California

At Victim’s School, Shock, Sorrow and Nightmares

DeLay Sentenced to 3 Years in Conspiracy and Money-Laundering Case

A Flood Tide of Murder

Judge Rules New York City Can Disclose Names in Teacher Rankings; Union Plans to Appeal

60 First Graders, 4 Teachers, One Loud New Way to Learn

Wal-Mart Will Skip Hearing by Council

Detroit Free Press

Kwame Kilpatrick, dad, others plead not guilty

Bing appoints new chief operations officer

Detroit meets audit deadline for first time since 1997

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Atlanta mayor keeps pledges, makes progress

How Georgia congressmen view security in wake of Arizona shooting

Deal takes oath of office as governor in weather-plagued inaugural

UGA marks accomplishments, struggles during desegregation anniversary

Atlanta council rethinks street namings

The Christian Science Monitor

Arizona shooting: An isolated case with broad ramifications

Arizona shooting: Seven times politics turned to threats or violence last year

Supreme Court: Did it just hint at stance on a health-care law challenge?

South Sudan upbeat amid vote, but threat of border violence casts shadow

Baltimore Sun

Md.schools rank No. 1 in nation for third straight year

Slots hopefuls preparing for new bids

State releases plan to implement health care reform

Welch sworn in to replace his mother on City Council

Police: Officer killed by friendly fire

Star Ledger

N.J. Democrats agree on bill on horse racing industry, Atlantic City tourism district

N.J. Legislature approves abolishing COAH, overhauling affordable housing laws

Revenue at Atlantic City casinos plunges 9.6 percent

Jobs bills pass through N.J. Legislature

N.J. Senate to vote on 32 commitee-approved Christie nominations

Woman who ran Atlantic City soup kitchen dies at 75

Task force nets 12 arrests in string of Essex County carjackings

Newark to give Philadelphia four police horses after budget cuts close mounted police unit

Philadelphia Inquirer

How the media can defang poisonous political discourse

Annette John-Hall: Sheriff in Ariz. speaks truth

Fox29 given stay in 'n'-word lawsuit

Prosecutors argue for stiffer sentence for Fumo

The Washington Post

Tucson shootings don't quell debate over political rhetoric

Palin mired in controversy

Tucson should make Rep. King rethink Muslim probe

Federal employees killed in Giffords shooting reflect alarming trend of violence

Televangelist investigation: What is a church? Who is a minister? Should the tax man decide?

After 'armed and dangerous' messages, who bears responsibility for violence?

10th homicide in Pr. George's since start of new year

Chicago Tribune

Democrats scramble for tax deal

Lawmakers roll back free senior rides

Fred Rice, Chicago's 1st black police superintendent, dies

Italian group slams choice of Spike Lee as speaker

Braun's team fields tax questions

Prosecutors: Man delivered final blow to Derrion Albert

Los Angeles Times

Business would feel sting of Brown budget plan

L.A. council panel deadlocks on mounting deficit

A breakdown of Jerry Brown's budget

Jerry Brown rolls the dice with pain-filled budget plan for California

Head of the class

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