today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - November 8

POSTED: November 08, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Obama Says Vote Turned on Economy

Now in Power, G.O.P. Vows Cuts in State Budgets

White Democrats Lose More Ground in South

Fresh Off Victories, Republicans Share Their Plans

MSNBC to Lift Olbermann Suspension on Tuesday

Olbermann, Impartiality and MSNBC

Tea Party Rooted in Religious Fervor for Constitution

The Unready Republicans

The Christian Science Monitor

Can Obama engage in 'self-critique and self-correction'?

Obama's new job: reinvention

Big perk for GOP in state election wins: more power in redistricting

California, Florida wisely reject gerrymandering of voting districts

Republican establishment takes on Sarah Palin

Mehserle verdict: Johannes Mehserle sentencing stuns Oscar Grant supporters, sparks riots in Oakland

Baltimore Sun

Addicts put in charge, drug use common in BBH housing

City panel drops mold citations after inquiry by councilwoman

Teen's death latest violent crime in Edgewood 'killing zone'

I'd be glad to join the tea party, if . . .

Detroit Free Press

Monica Conyers is sought for questioning in lawsuit

Lawyer seeks order to demand details from Kilpatrick in texts suit

Southwest Detroit mural symbol of community pride

Star Ledger

N.J. activists, parents warn against promoting charter schools as fix for education system

N.J. Assembly committee to consider affordable housing bill that focuses on rezoning

Gov. Christie: A national run in 2016 is possible

Newark police union leaders warn demotions slated for upper ranks will limit diversity, reduce oversight

N.J. Assembly won't take up Christie's property tax reform measures

Census could shift balance in N.J. toward GOP as legislative districts are redrawn

Newark residents request more parental involvement, better teachers during door-to-door campaign

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Appeal dismissed for death row inmate Troy Davis

Nathan Deal's top aide worries ethics watchdogs

Low-income housing developer defaults to cost taxpayers

Philadelphia Inquirer

Stimulus money helped SEPTA move projects along

Knowles Fellowships encourage teachers to think outside the box

Reward offered for leads in attack on Philly activist

Another appeals hearing set for Abu-Jamal

N.J. Education Association praises its members at A.C. convention

Chicago Tribune

Mayoral hopefuls' sprint under way

A GOP not for 'whites only'

The Washington Post

Obama opens door for talks with GOP on tax-cut extension

For many businesses, 2010 midterm election campaign was a winner

What effect did health-care reform have on election?

In a red sea change, unclear course for Governor O'Malley in blue Maryland

McConnell says banning 'earmarks' is complicated

Massachusetts home town of W.E.B. Du Bois comes to terms with its famous son

In Richmond, a Civil War expert seeks to emancipate history's narrative

For Mayor-elect Gray, pressure piles up even before he takes office

Extended school days under consideration in District public system

Diversity is a tough test for Thomas Jefferson High, the country's most selective school

Los Angeles Times

States, not Congress, can thwart healthcare law

Whitman, Fiorina losses raise questions about their political futures in California

GOP-controlled House might hinder Villaraigosa's transit funding request

Influence of teachers unions in question

Pot legalization advocates are undeterred by the defeat of Prop. 19

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