today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - October 6

POSTED: October 06, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Obama Strains to Get Liberals Back Into Fold

Voters Face Decisions on a Mix of Issues

Latino Vote Turnout Likely to Lag, New Poll Finds

Foreclosure Furor Rises; Many Call for a Freeze

Bailout Loss Estimated at $29 Billion

Health Care’s Uneven Road to a New Era

Hazing Accusations Against a Sorority

Sun Co-Founder Uses Capitalism to Help Poor

Onward Christian Moguls

Baltimore Sun

Balto. Co. crime drops in first half of 2010

Crime Scenes: Few details out on shooting by school officer

Conaway says Walmart pushed her on living-wage issue

Bea Gaddy center receives donations for Thanksgiving dinner

The Christian Science Monitor

Gates gives $35 million to Obama's community college overhaul
US pledges $4 billion to a fund that fights AIDS, other global ills

Pentagon: The global cyberwar is just beginning

Chicagoan or carpetbagger? Rahm Emanuel hit by residency claims.

Uncle Sam’s shameful treatment of today's American Indians

Star Ledger

N.J. law may bar Gov. Christie, Mayor Booker from taking active role in $100M Newark schools grant

N.J.-funded construction projects in planning, development still frozen for cost-benefit review

N.J. Senate committee to hear testimony from ex-education chief Bret Schundler

Atlantic City announces state oversight of finances

Essex County prosecutor investigates possible kickbacks to Newark officials

Newark's Columbus Hospital is reopens as specialty hospital for critical care

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Congregants embrace Long at empowerment service

Foreign diplomats to visit Atlanta for unprecedented tour

The Rev. Jarrett Parke Renshaw, 87: ‘Was committed to civil rights and race relations'

Philadelphia Inquirer

Drexel's new president outlines plan to revitalize neighborhood

Accusations that officers robbed dealers is a new blow to Philadelphia police force's reputation

PHA interviews two for temporary director's post

Federal mortgage relief program to bring $106 million to Pa. homeowners

State House passes bill expanding gun-owners' rights

Wagner urges moratorium on new Pennsylvania charter schools

Detroit Free Press

Sam Riddle asks for delay in sentencing on bribery, extortion charges

Kilpatrick wins more time in his Skytel texts lawsuit

3 arraigned in Meals on Wheels carjack ruse

The Washington Post

A Clinton-Biden swap 'on the table'? Absolutely not, says Axelrod.

Pelosi, lawmakers call for federal probe on mortgage lenders

Survey finds deep distrust of state governments, revealing fiscal conundrum

First solar-power projects on public land get Interior Department approval

The costs of rising economic inequality

Vincent Gray listening tour starts with Ward 5 residents

Leggett proposes cuts in Montgomery County public safety services

Probe widens into alleged cheating by Pr. George's officers-in-training

In Washington, D.C., funerals provide 'opportunity' for retaliatory violence

Chicago Tribune

Prosecutors: Stroger aide steered contracts soon after taking post
U. of I. faculty members, students may ask trustees to reconsider William Ayers

Rahm Emanuel gets earful during listening tour of Chicago

Beyond book learning: Schools teach social and emotional skills

A century of saving children

Los Angeles Times

Attorney general pushes for court-appointed monitor in Bell

3.5 million Californians would be eligible for healthcare tax credits, study finds

Donations to Whitman undercut her no-special-interests claim

Settlement limits L.A. teachers' seniority protection

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