today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - June 28

POSTED: June 28, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Leaders at Summit Turn Attention to Deficit Cuts

Study Finds Questioning of Nominees to Be Useful

Labor’s New Critics: Old Allies in Elected Office

A City Celebrates a Brand New Stadium, but Not After 9 P.M. in Some Quarters

Fallout After a Blogger’s Private Comments Are Aired

New Ballot Machines Are Flawed, Suit Says

New Diploma Standard in New York Becomes a Multiple-Question Choice

Broadway Sees Benefits of Building Black Audience
A Chance for a Fairer Count

Worse Than a Nightmare

Baltimore Sun

Police to review rape case policies in wake of news story

Sojourner-Douglass College graduates 30th class

The Christian Science Monitor

G8 summit focuses on accountability, but where is it?

Black Bloc tactics mar Canada's G-20 summit

G8 needs to see Africa as an investment, not a charity case

Senate bogs down on tax extenders and unemployment benefits

Detroit Free Press

Union organizing picks up steam on campuses

Bobb moves to stop extension of contract

Otis Mathis case referred to prosecutor

What does DPS scandal show women?

Anti 'no knock' rally over Aiyana's fatal shooting

Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia to bar immigration agents from arrest data

Philly Teenshop program encourages abstinence, education, and goals

Philadelphia has a lobbying law but needs money to enforce it

Star Ledger

N.J. lawmakers are expected to vote on Gov. Christie's budget, property tax cap plans

N.J. Gov. Chris Christie's budget follows five administrations of increased spending

N.J. to add up to 25 more 'Superfund' sites in next 5 years as competition for federal funds increase

Ex-Camden police officer gets probation for harassing women

Top candidates for Newark council president seek support of Sharif, Baraka

Newark residents hope to replace demolished housing project with park, gardens

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Fixing state finances a tough job for next governor

Atlanta passes $559 million budget

Promising Morehouse student, killed in car wreck, remembered as a campus leader

The Washington Post

As Kagan confirmation hearings begin, Republicans struggle for line of attack

Anger doesn't tell whole story of 2010 election season

President Obama urges G-20 nations to spend; they pledge to halve deficits

Families are confused over health-care law's coverage for young adults

Aid groups slam lack of financial support for maternal and infant health initiative

For Hite and Prince George's schools, a smooth year, for a change

Whose Supreme Court is it?

Chicago Tribune

Chicago's heroin crisis

Many doctors not testing teens for HIV as recommended

Watchdog says Chicago school officials aren't evaluating special education students

Northwestern doctor takes hands-on approach to breast exams

Two generals' tales

Los Angeles Times

Students face closure of alternative schools because of L.A. County budget cuts

Boycott BP? That's easier said than done

State's whooping cough surge may be tied to lagging immunization rate

Fiorina town hall reaches out to Latinos

Cal State Stanislaus dinner patrons cheer Sarah Palin

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