today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - March 8

POSTED: March 08, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Obama Wields Analysis of Insurers in Health Battle

School’s Shake-Up Is Embraced by the President

Why the Rainmaker Is Now the Gatekeeper

In Harlem, Epicenter for Charter Schools, a Senator Wars Against Them

At Church, Paterson Vows to Stay in Office

A Squandered Talent Claimed by the Street

Cops vs. Kids

The Christian Science Monitor

Reconciliation: why healthcare reform 'nuclear option' is deadly

Political extremism: Not so easy to categorize

Liz Cheney: Taking flak from the right as well as the left

The Washington Post

Iowa governor faces tough reelection as another state sours on incumbents

Democratic activists channel anger into Arkansas Senate race

Brown's election may ending up being a positive for health-care reform

Blind violinist injured in Haiti quake fighting the odds, once again

Friends share in D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty's good fortune

Laid-off professionals line up for part-time census jobs

Color of Money Challenge: Soon-to-be-former inmates ready to rebuild their lives

Baltimore Sun

A 'Precious' Oscar for Mo'Nique

8 prison employees disciplined after inmate mistakenly released

Loaded handgun found in backpack of student, 8, who threatened classmate

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Lewis remembers 'Bloody Sunday' march, beatings

Detroit Free Press

Schools offering money-back guarantees on jobs quality of training

Will Kilpatrick face jail time?

A $200 million rebirth for Detroit education

Chicago Tribune

Desiree Rogers’ culture clash

Public pension deficit soars in Illinois

Los Angeles Times

Toyota workers raised safety concerns with bosses in 2006 memo

Healthcare overhaul comes down to Pelosi and Obama

Older, wiser, ready to run

Students are channeling their anger

Star Ledger

Black-market cosmetic surgeries hospitalize six N.J. women

Hip-hop recording studio in Newark provides haven for youth

Newark diocese raises over $1 million for Haitian relief


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