today in black history

February 21, 2025

El Haji Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in New York City on this date in 1965.

Today in Black America - February 26

POSTED: February 26, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Paterson to Drop Out of Governor Race

Gov. Paterson Faces Reality

President Urges Focus on Common Ground

Uniting Democrats Is Challenge at Health Forum

Democrat Seeks Part of Spotlight in Florida Senate Race

Panel Admonishes Rangel for Taking Trips as Gifts

Merrill Lynch Guaranteed Ford Annual Pay of at Least $2 Million

The Christian Science Monitor

French election: Is Muslim candidate's criminal record fair game or race baiting?

Newt Gingrich defends – and extends – swipe at congressional staffers

Healthcare summit reaction: Useful, but not a game-changer

Baltimore Sun

Mistakenly released inmate captured in W.Va.

Former UM law dean is asked to refund $60,000

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Atlanta finance boss job always in transition

Detroit Free Press

Panel: Cheeks Kilpatrick, others didn’t break rules for trip

Riddle goes tweeting for donations to hire lawyer

Facing 2nd trial, Riddle turns to the Web for funds

Bing blames union for looming city worker layoffs

Millions from stimulus unspent

The Washington Post

Jobs agenda stalled at both ends of the Capitol

At summit, Republicans prove they aren't putting America's health first

Hope, worry about settlement of discrimination suit with black farmers

Hillary Clinton criticizes former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan's oversight

Rangel says report 'exonerates' him, will stay on

Prominent Harvard law professor joins Justice Department

Radio One backs out of plan to move to Shaw, D.C.

Chicago Tribune

House panel backs tougher signature requirements for Chicago aldermanic races

CPS faces $1 billion deficit, Huberman says

Exploring links between genes, violence, environment

Los Angeles Times

Probe continues into off-duty LAPD reserve officer who fatally shot son in Monrovia

GOP Senate race grows heated over Israel

Protest at UC Irvine against Israeli official still reverberates

Why keep this man locked up?

Star Ledger

Late supermodel Naomi Sims' estate is to be auctioned in Montclair

New affordable development planned for Orange ruffles neighbors' feathers


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