today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - February 18

POSTED: February 18, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Senator Retires, and Voters, Too, Grow Dismayed

Plan Pushed on Lending to Students

Obama and Republicans Clash Over Stimulus Bill, One Year Later

High Schools to Offer Plan to Graduate 2 Years Early

U.S. Cracks Down on ‘Contractors’ as a Tax Dodge

Wealth Gap for Schools in New Jersey Is the Highest

Judge Puts Liberal Imprint on New York’s Top Court

Listen to the Task Force

Baltimore Sun

O'Malley: 20,000 jobs in Maryland saved or created by U.S. stimulus act

Mikulski running unannounced campaign for re-election

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Murder trial witness ‘looked the shooter right in the face'

The Christian Science Monitor

Haiti judge frees 8 missionaries, keeps 2

A year into stimulus, large chunk remains

A year after the 2009 stimulus: five ways to gauge the impact

From conservatives, a bounty of political manifestos

Does 'tea party' populism verge into extremism?

Obama vs. his enemies

Detroit Free Press

In mistrial of Riddle case, furor surrounds lone juror

Who's who in corruption case

How much did race matter in Riddle verdict?

Children in Haiti cling to way of life at mission

The Washington Post

White House crafts jobs bill, a year into stimulus effort

Manufacturing, housing growth up in January, Federal Reserve says

Both parties oppose unlimited corporate spending on elections, poll finds

Administration pushed to expand foreclosure-prevention program

At Washington's homestead, conservative leaders tap into new energy

Va., Md. governors pledge to create jobs but lack money and power to do so

D.C. might censure Marion Barry over alleged corruption

Marion Barry's wasted potential

Los Angeles Times

California, other states face problem of growing pension liabilities

City's credit outlook downgraded to 'negative'

UC San Diego condemns student party mocking Black History Month

Karen Bass confirms candidacy for seat in Congress

Family files claim on behalf of daughter shot after homecoming game in Long Beach

Chicago Tribune

Nonprofit groups hang by a thread waiting for state funds

Job seekers get ready for turnaround

5 Chicago schools slated for closing or overhaul are spared


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