today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - February 12

POSTED: February 12, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Poll Finds Edge for Obama Over G.O.P. Among the Public

Senators Strike Bipartisan Deal on Job Creation

Senate Confirms 27 Obama Nominees

Bill Clinton Undergoes Procedure for Chest Pain

Single Mother Is Spared Court-Martial

Georgia Schools Inquiry Finds Signs of Cheating

The Christian Science Monitor

Harry Reid scales back Senate jobs bill, reflecting voter anger

White House forecast: no roaring economic recovery in 2010

New jolt for healthcare reform? Insurer hikes rates 39 percent

Lawmakers gear up for healthcare summit meeting

Haiti judge advises release of Americans charged with kidnapping

Baltimore Sun

Baltimore mayor asks for residents' patience during snow cleanup

Detroit Free Press

Kilpatrick can't pay up? Judge unlikely to jail him

Walmart offers job training via DPS

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Federal agents take SCLC records

The Washington Post

Obama will help select location of Khalid Sheik Mohammed terrorism trial

3 House retirements spur debate on whether Republicans are losing momentum

Patrick Kennedy to retire

Haiti faces money, labor problems reconstructing buildings wrecked by earthquake

In eastern Congo, handmade chukudu scooters rule the road

Los Angeles Times

Toyota faces massive legal liability

Drug industry lobbyist Billy Tauzin to resign

Health insurers take heat for rise in profits

L.A. Unified schools' chief works for district supplier


N.J. Gov. Christie announces state of fiscal emergency with $2.2B budget shortfall

Denver Post

Anti-poverty remark stirs Colorado Dems' anger

Library unveils portaits of four who have helped move community forward

Mail & Guardian

South Africans mark Mandela's release from prison

Twenty years after Mandela's release, SA struggles

'We must recapture the spirit Mandela's release'


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