today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - January 13

POSTED: January 13, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Fierce Quake Devastates Haitian Capital

Anxious Haitians in U.S. Search for Information

Race Assumes Central Role in New Orleans Vote

Administration Says Stimulus Has Worked

Labor Campaigns Against Tax on Health Plans

Union Chief Seeks to Overhaul Teacher Evaluation Process

Senate Hopeful in New State Airs Evolving Views

Tax Them Both

Baltimore Sun

Protesters decry Dixon pension deal

Census Bureau opens second office in Baltimore

The Christian Science Monitor

Blacks weigh in on Harry Reid's racial comments

South Carolina takes aim at lynching law because it hurt blacks

Refugee camps in Kenya brace for some 20,000 Somalis

Detroit Free Press

Prosecutors want $225,000, checks on Kilpatricks' big spending

Records show Kilpatricks' retail therapy, cleaning bills

Detroiters with Haiti ties worry for loved ones

Did Steele out McConnell in attacking Reid?

The Washington Post

Haiti hit by 7.0-magnitude earthquake; buildings leveled in Port-au-Prince

Economic stimulus has created or saved nearly 2 million jobs, White House says

More ex-workers cite irregularities at D.C. AIDS nonprofit

$25 million initiative aimed at attacking D.C. AIDS epidemic

Poll: Feeling of progress rises among African Americans

Prince George's State's Attorney Ivey won't challenge Edwards for Senate

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Cold temps cause heating problems in Atlanta jail

Los Angeles Times

Judges OK Schwarzenegger plan to reduce prison crowding

Former detainees sue over alleged education breakdown at juvenile camp

Campus takeover applications begin flowing in to L.A. Unified

Chicago Tribune

Preckwinkle for reform

Burr Oak Cemetery might contain thousands more bodies than the land can hold

Son of cabdriver who was slain by teens finds his calling: teaching teens

GOP offense is a weak defense


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