today in black history

July 15, 2024

True Reformers Hall, the first building designed, financed and built by Blacks after Reconstruction is dedicated in 1903 in DC.

Today in Black America - January 8

POSTED: January 08, 2010, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Hospital Cuts Dialysis Care for the Poor in Miami

Half of States See Dip in Under-18 Population

President Is Said to Decide to Renominate Six Choices

The Official Word to All, Get a Swine Flu Vaccination Now

New York Politicians at Odds Over Harold Ford Jr.

Seeking Grants, Paterson Urges Education Changes

Baltimore Sun

Rawlings-Blake orders review, stresses public safety

Jean Marbella: Mayor kept fighting, even after last bell rang

4 council members vie for presidency

For Baltimore, Rawlings-Blake a fine reflection of her father

Rawlings-Blake's different style might be just what city needs

Red Line would bring almost 10,000 jobs, study contends

The Christian Science Monitor

California's education reforms hand more power to parents

ABB shooting: Economy may play role in workplace violence

Detroit Free Press

Former Detroit councilwoman Cockrel to teach at university

Detroit Board of Education swearing in 2 newest members tonight

Los Angeles Times

Healthcare overhaul could save money and boost jobs, researchers say

L.A. chooses group to run anti-gang academy

March against gang violence planned in Watts

Schwarzenegger signs school legislation

Washington Post

Steele comments have GOP aides pleading, 'Get him to stop'

U.S. was more focused on al-Qaeda's plans abroad than for homeland, report on airline bomb plot finds

Justice study tracks rape, sexual abuse of juvenile inmates

Prince George's County crime rate is lowest since 1975


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