today in black history

July 15, 2024

True Reformers Hall, the first building designed, financed and built by Blacks after Reconstruction is dedicated in 1903 in DC.

Today in Black America - October 23

POSTED: October 23, 2009, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Senate Leader Takes Risk Pushing Public Insurance Plan
Behind the War Between White House and Fox

Reports Run Hot and Cold

Economic Adviser Predicts 10% Jobless Rate
Lots of Stimulus Money — and Concerns About Where to Put It to Work
Final New Jersey Debate Turns Into a Free-for-All

Bloomberg Foe’s Campaign Shows Lax Management

The Washington Post

Lawmakers warm to the public option

In Massachusetts, Obama won't promote state's plan

Deeds ignored advice, White House says

Partisan anger in House brings lockout of committee Republicans

Arlington goes its own way in lawsuit over HOV lanes

Baltimore Sun

Fire unions to vote on cuts

The Christian Science Monitor

Wall Street pay cuts ordered by Treasury

BBC TV sparks outrage by hosting far-right leader Nick Griffin

Detroit Free Press

Michigan schools are reeling after funding blow

Top execs at rescued auto firms to get 25% pay cut

Beating victim testifies in homeless men's murders

Officials: Detroit Public Schools overpaid for property

Los Angeles Times

H1N1 vaccine a tough sell to pregnant women

Swine flu surges in California, but vaccine remains scarce

Sebelius calls for updated vaccine-making process

Chicago Tribune

Teens told to dress for success

Fate of legendary black publications unknown

Refugee teens make film about their confrontations with violence in Chicago

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