today in black history

March 29, 2025

Football great Emlen Tunnell, the first Black player inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame was born on this date in 1925 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Today in Black America - August 20

POSTED: August 20, 2009, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Government Jobs Have Grown Since Recession

C.I.A. Sought Blackwater’s Help in Plan to Kill Jihadists

Texas Judge Denies Fault in Handling of Appeal

Obama Calls Health Plan a ‘Moral Obligation’

Reactions Mixed to Settlement of Westchester Desegregation Suit

Priority Test: Health Care or Prisons?

Veterans’ Doctor to Lead F.D.A. Tobacco Division

The Washington Post

CIA Hired Firm for Assassin Program

Afghanistan extends voting by 1 hour

Public Opinion in U.S. Turns Against the War

A Harsh Lesson in College Math

Employers Advised on Swine Flu; Local Colleges Making Plans

Members of Black Sorority at Odds Over Leader's Spending

Leave The Guns At Home

No Longer an Option

Baltimore Sun

Hate rise?

Details emerge on suspect

Md. moving forward on detention center projects


Female high schoolers targeted for math, science degrees by N.J. colleges

Two charged in Newark shooting that left woman, granddaughter injured

Ex-Irvington housing official admits embezzling $100K

Atlantic City casino profits down 19.8 percent in second quarter

The Christian Science Monitor

Schwarzenegger: riot ‘terrible symptom’ of crowded prisons

Democrats on healthcare: going it alone or not?

Guns at presidential events: encouraging extremists?

Taking the Mideast peace plunge

Detroit Free Press

Kilpatrick lawyer’s trial set to end

'We must change in order to survive'

NAACP: Act fast on burned-cross case

Secret Detroit payouts to be probed

Los Angeles Times

It's a charter year and new future for Birmingham High

Credit card issuers boost rates ahead of tougher rules

Boston Globe

Kennedy, looking ahead, urges that Senate seat be filled quickly

For Obama, not the time for extended Vineyard rest

Michael Vick: Let him atone in peace

Seattle Times

Nickels loses ground; Mallahan takes lead

A wounded mayor: Seattle's Greg Nickels may not survive primary


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