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Livingstone College in Salisbury, NC, under the auspices of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is founded in 1879.

Biden Schools Ryan

POSTED: October 12, 2012, 12:00 am

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In a sharp contrast to the first presidential debate, Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan wasted little time in going at each other in last night’s one and only vice presidential debate. In the end it was the more seasoned Biden who got the best of the Republican candidate, refusing to cede ground and relentlessly challenging Ryan on his facts. In fact Biden was the fact checker-in-chief last night, telling moderator Martha Raddatz at one point, "you notice how he never answers the question." Ryan looked like a high school student council candidate searching for answers going up against a seasoned veteran of Capitol Hill. The Republican repeatedly searched for answers and was unable to address with any specificity key elements of Mitt Romney’s plan to reduce the deficit; talking in generalities on a subject that is supposedly Ryan’s area of expertise. Ryan’s best moment may have come when discussing Social Security when he worked to put a generational wall between his position and that of the Obama ticket. Biden was the aggressor in the debate, and despite some web chatter over his facial expressions (constant grin) he delivered some significant body blows. Perhaps the most telling exchange was on abortion, when Ryan stumbled and attempted to be a pro-life ideologue while obfuscating on where a Romney administration would stand on Roe v. Wade. His muddling of the answer mirrors that of Mitt Romney earlier in the week; a sign that the Republican ticket is increasingly worried about their deficit among women voters. On the same day as the debate a new Pew poll shows that the Obama ticket has a commanding lead among Latino voters. In fact, the President is doing better among Latino voters than he did four years ago when he went up against Arizona Senator John McCain. In the end, Biden made up some of the lost ground for the Obama ticket from the first presidential debate and now the task of increasing the margin is handed off to President Obama as he prepares for Tuesday’s debate at Hofstra University in Long Island, NY.

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