today in black history

July 15, 2024

True Reformers Hall, the first building designed, financed and built by Blacks after Reconstruction is dedicated in 1903 in DC.

Reference Library

The Reference Library is an assortment of research reports, briefing papers, fact sheets, journal and newspaper articles, and other media to assist you in furthering your understanding of the issues we cover on

Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics 2008

Eva E. Jacobs

This statistical handbook provides tables and figures designed to document various food, housing, medical care, and gender issues as they apply to labor in America.

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The Urban Experience

Dr. Russell Williams

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2006 Census Poverty & Income Data

National Urban League Policy Institute

National Urban League Policy Institute examines the 2006 Census data on poverty and income.

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2006 Annual Jobs Report

National Urban League

The National Urban League issues its annual jobs report for 2006.

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2007 Annual Jobs Report

National Urban League

The National Urban League issues its annual jobs report for 2007.

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African Americans and Home Ownership Brief

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies provides a brief overview on home ownership among Blacks in the United States.

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African Americans and Subprime Lending

The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies looks at the subprime mortgage market and the impact on Black homeowners.

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Black Workers in the Bay Area, 2006

UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education

The University of California Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education focuses on Black workers in the Bay Area in this 2006 report.

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Economic Empowerment Fact Sheet, 2007


The NAACP details economic empowerment facts.

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Blacks and the Economy

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation provides an economic snapshot of Black America.

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