today in black history

March 26, 2025

Black abolitionist and businessman George DeBaptiste was born on this date in 1815 in Virginia.

Giving Thanks

POSTED: November 27, 2008, 12:00 am

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These are difficult times for many Black Americans and on this Thanksgiving, for some, it may be difficult to find a reason to be thankful. Some of us have experienced job loss, some are facing the foreclosure of their homes for which they have worked and sacrificed, and many are mired in debt, while others have seen their retirement savings diminish in the face of the meltdown on Wall Street. Still, despite the hard times, we pray that you will see through these tough times and know that there are better days ahead.

“We give thanks for children who are now inspired to reach greater heights because they see in the next President of the United States their own reflection.”

We rarely speak of faith on this website, not because we are without, but simply because our subject matter is generally secular in nature. Still, we believe that the one constant in the history of our people in this country has been our steadfast faith. Our belief that a higher power is our liberator, protector and determinant of our spiritual transcendence. It is what we relied on to overcome the evils of slavery and the wickedness of Jim Crow, and the subtleties of institutional racism that still infests our nation today. Faith is what allowed us to believe in a better day when it was so difficult to see a brighter day. It was our sustenance at a time when our nation was morally malnourished and intent on starving its own for the sake of white supremacy.

On this Thanksgiving, give thanks for that faith. And hold onto it. No matter what your religious orientation, we believe that faith allows us to bear the burden of these difficult times and renew our spirit and dedication toward creating a better world for our children.

It would be a disservice to our ancestors if we did not acknowledge and give thanks for the progress we have made as a people in this country. From arriving in chains to seeing one of our own prepare to lead this nation, we give thanks this Thanksgiving for the struggles of the past that prepared us for this moment. We give thanks for allowing us to see this day come about. We give thanks for children who are now inspired to reach greater heights because they see in the next President of the United States their own reflection. And we give thanks for those who are no longer here, who on bended knee, prayed aloud each night for the courage to face tomorrow, who mistreated, still remain dignified, and who sacrificed their humanity for the sake of their children and those yet born.

So, today, as you gather with family and friends, or simply take time out to reflect, give thanks for all things, no matter how small or trivial they may seem. Your friends, family, health, jobs – if we just look closely we can all find a reason to be thankful.

On behalf of we give thanks for you and wish you and your family a joyous and bountiful Thanksgiving.

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