today in black history

March 25, 2025

"Scottsboro Boys" are arrested in Point Rock, Alabama on this date in 1931.


Black Orgs Directory

# | A B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

100 Black Men of America Inc.
141 Auburn Avenue Atlanta, GA 30303 
John Hammond Executive Director
Phone: (404) 688-5100 (404)688-1024

369th Veterans Association, Inc.
Major General Nathaniel James AUS President
2366 Fifth Avenue Room B-3 New York, New York 10037
Phone: (212) 281-3308


A Better Chance
Sandra Pimmons President
240 W. 35th Street 9th Fl. New York, New York 10001
Phone: (646) 346-1310 - (646) 346-1310

African- American Museums Association
Vernon Courtney President
P. O. Box 427, 1350 Brush Row Road Wilberforce, OH 45384 (937) 376-4944 ext 114
Phone: (937) 376-2007

African Development Institute Inc.
Lee Cassanelli: Director
P O Box 1644 New York, New York 10185
Phone: (888) 619 7535 (201) 461 4871

African Environmental Research Consulting Group (AERCG)
Dr. Peter A. Sam, Chairman/CEO
14912 Walmer Street Overland Park, Kansas 66223
Phone: (913) 897-6132 (913) 891-6132

African Episcopal Zion Church
Senior Bis George WC Walker Sr
3225 Sugar Creek Road Charlotte, NC 28269
Phone: (704) 599-4630

African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA)
PO Box 1633, Lincolnton Station New York, New York 10037-0910
Phone: (212) 795-2096

African Methodist Episcopal Church
500 8th Avenue South Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: (615) 254-0911 (615) 254-0912

African Methodist Episcopal Church
John Bryant Senior Bishop
1134 11th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 371-8700 (202) 371-8735

African-American Coalition
110 6TH ST SW 209 Washington, DC 20002-6020
Phone: (202) 488-7830

440 R Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: (202) 462-3614 (202) 387-1034

Afro American Historical & Genealogical Society
P. O. Box 73067 Washington, DC 20056-3067

Alabama Legislative Black Caucus
chairperson Senator Bobby Singleton
11 S. Union Street Suite 515 Montgomery, AL 36130
Phone: (334) 242-7623 (334) 353-0828

Alliance of Black Entertainment Technicians
1869 Buckingham Road Los Angeles, CA 90019
Phone: (213) 933-0746

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
5656 S. Stony Island Avenue Chicago, IL 60637
Phone:  (773) 684-1282

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Darryl R. Matthews, Sr. General President
2313 Saint Paul Street Baltimore MD 21218-5211
Phone: (410) 554-0040 (410) 554-0054

American Association for Affirmative Action
President ReNee' S. Dunman
888 16th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 349-9855 (202) 355-1399
Email: Jacqueline Johnson

American Association of Blacks in Energy
927 15th Street, NW  #200 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 371-9530 (202) 371-9218

American Association of Mom and Pop Retail Food Stores (MAP)
117 Broadway Suite 119 Oakland, CA 94607-3715
Phone: (510) 444-5741

American Bridge Association
2828 Lakewood Ave. SW Atlanta, GA 30315
Phone: (404) 768-5517 (404) 767-1871

American Council on Education

Molly Corbett Broad President of ACE
One Dupont Circle NW Washington, DC 20036-1193
Phone: (202) 939-9300

American Health & Beauty Aids Institute

PO Box 19510 Chicago, IL 60619-0510
Phone: (708) 633-6328 (708) 633-6329
American Tennis Association
1100 Mercantile Lane, St. 115A Largo, Maryland 20774
Phone: (301) 583-4631

Amisatd Research Center
Lee Hampton Executive Director
6823 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: (504) 862-3222 (504) 862-8961

Amistad Affilates, Inc.
831 Sherry Dr. Valley Cottage, NY 10989
Phone: 914-268-8832

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, INC.
2239 Democrat Road Memphis, TN 38132
Phone: (901) 395-0150 (901) 395-0115

Associated Black Charites
1114 Cathedral Street Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 659-0000 (410) 659-0755
Email: Yvette Larkin -

Association for Muticultural Counseling and Development
No Listing
Phone: (678) 904-4389

Association for the Studies of Afro-American Life and History
Sylvia Cyrus-Albritton, Executive Director See Research Book
525 Bryant Street, Suite C142 Washington, DC 20059
Phone: (202) 865-0053 (202) 265-7920

Association of Black Admissions and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools, Inc.
P.O. Box 1402 Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (401) 863.2378

Association of Black American Ambassadors
P.O. Box 231 Avondale Estates, GA 30002
Phone: (404) 299-1267

Association of Black American Women Business Owners
P.O. Box 13858 Silver Spring, MD 20911-0858
Phone: (301) 585-8051

Association of Black Foundation Executives
55 Exchange PlaceNew York, NY 10005
Phone: (646) 230-0306 (212) 747-9320

Association of Black Psychologists
P.O. Box 55999 Washington, DC 20040-5999
Phone: (202) 722-0808

Association of Black Sociologists
4200 Wisconsin Avenue NW PMB 106-257 Washington DC 20016
Phone: (202) 365-1759 (781) 723-6527

Association of Black Women in Higher Education
86 Olden Street Princeton,NJ 08544
Phone: (609) 258-6110

Association of Minority Enterprises of New York
James Heyliger - PresidentSee Research Book
135-20 Liberty Avenue Richmond Hill 11419
Phone: (718) 291-1641 (718) 291-1887

Association of Minority Health Professions Schools
1190 West Druid Hills Drive, Suite T-50 Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone: (678) 904-4217 (678) 904-4518

Audience Development Committee, Inc. (AUDELCO)
P.O. Box 30 New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 368 6906 (212) 368-8590


Benjamin E. Mays National Educational Resource Center, Inc.
3298 Fort Lincoln Dr. NE Suite 931 Washington, DC 20018
Phone: (202) 529-0684

Bethune-DuBois Institute
Ofield Dukes President
8630 Fenton Street Suite 925 Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (301) 562-8300 (301) 562-8303

Black Agency Executives"c/o New York City Mission Society
Stephanie Palmer President
105 E 22nd Street New York, NY 10010
Phone: (718) 973-3876

Black Arts National Diaspora, Inc.
Dr. Hoard
(BAND)1530 North Claiborne Avenue New Orleans, LA 70126
Phone: (504) 949-2263 (504) 949-6052

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
David Rambea
30 Josephine, 3rd Floor Detroit, MI 48202-1810
Phone: (313) 871-3333

Black Caucus of the American Library Association
President Karolyn S. Thompson
PO Box. 1738 Hampton, VA 23669

Black Creative Professionals Association
6565 Sunset Boulevard Suite 301 Los Angeles, CA 90028
Phone: (213) 964-3550

Black Data Processing Association
Gerald Peppers - President
P.O. Box 2420 Washington, DC 20013
Phone: (202) 659-5367

Black Filmmakers Foundation
375 Greenwich Street Suite 600 New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 941-3944

Black Psychiatrist of America
866 Carlston Avenue Oakland, CA 94610
Phone: (510) 836-2894

Black Retail Action Group
Gary L. Lampley - President
PO BOX 1192 Rockefella Center StationNew York, NY 10185
Phone: (212) 319-7751 (212) 234-3053

Black Rock Coalition, Inc.
LaRonda Davis - President
PO Box 1054 Cooper Station New York, NY 10276
Phone: (212) 713-5097

Black Women in Church and Society
Jacquelyn Grant, Ph.D.
700 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr Atlanta, GA 30314
Phone: (404) 527-5713 (404) 527-5715

Black Women in Publishing
Box 6275 FDR Station New York, NY 10150
Phone: (212) 772-5951

Black Women's Agenda, Inc.
Alexine C. Jackson, President
1090 Vermont Ave. NW Washington DC 20005
Phone: (202) 216-5797 (202) 408-9888

Black Women's Forum
3870 Crenshaw BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90008
Phone: (323). 292-3009

Black Women's Network (Los Angeles)
Linda Ard-Bonner - President
P.O. Box 56106 Los Angeles, CA 90056
Phone: (323) 964-4003 

Black Women's Network, Inc. (Milwaukee)
8712 W Spokane St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53224

Blacks In Government
1820 11th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 667-3280

Blacks In Government
3005 Georgia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001-3807
Phone: (202) 667-3280 (202) 667-3750

Business Policy Review Council
1129 20th Street, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036-3494
Phone: (202) 223-8877


California Legislative Black Caucus
State Capitol, Room 3123 Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319‐2052 (916) 319‐2152

Carats, Inc.
Carmen Dean-Jackson - President
2255 NE 121st.Miami, FL 33181
Phone: (305) 895-6442 (305) 895-8569

Caribbean Action Lobby
Hon. Mervyn M. Dymally
391 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11216
Phone: (718) 773-8351 (718) 774-6946

Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (CACCI)
Roy A. Hastick, Sr., President/CEO
63 Flushing Avenue Building #5, Unit 239 Brooklyn, NY 11205
Phone: (718) 834-4544 (718) 834-9774
Email: i

Ruth V. Creary, Ph.D. Chair-Board of Directors
1012 10th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202)-371-1674
Email: r

Carter G. Woodson Foundation, Inc.
Phone: (973) 242-0500

Central Brooklyn Partnership
Mark Winston Griffith
1195 Bedford AveBrooklyn, NY 11216
Phone: (718) 398-1000 (718) 398-8972

Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc.
Dana Y. Lopez Supreme Basileus
3029 13th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009
Email: (202) 232-3858 (202) 232-3460

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
P.O. Box 66268 Washington, DC 20035-6268
Phone: (202) 429-1203 (202) 429-1102

Concerned Educators of Black Students
Theresa Perry Lewis, Editor
1389 Columbia Ave Plainfield, NJ 07062
Phone: (908) 397-4848

Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA)
Dr. Deborah Sims LeBlanc - National President,
P. 0. Box 3010 Fort Worth, TX  76113
Email: (817 )871-8325 (817) 871-8966

Conference of Monority Transportation Officials (COMTO)
Dwayne C. Sampson, President
P.O. Box 27142 Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (212) 330-9129

Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family
6901 Chef Menteur Highway New Orleans, LA 70126
Phone: (504) 242-5418 (504) 241-3957

Congress of National Black Churches, Inc.
P.O. Box 65682 Washington, DC 20035-5682
Phone: (202) 898-2422 (202) 296-4939

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
817 Broadway 3rd Floor New York, New York 10003
Phone: (212) 598-4000 ( 212) 598-4141

Congressional Black Associates, Inc.
U.S. House of Representatives Room 1979 Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4801

Congressional Black Caucus
2344 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2201

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
1720 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 263-2800 (202) 263-0842

Connecticut Legislative Black and Puerto Rican Caucus
Legislative Office Building, Room Hartford, CT 06106-1591
Phone: (860) 240-8585

Consortium for Graduate Study in Management
Peter J. Aranda Executive Director & CEO
5585 Pershing Avenue, Suite 240 St. Louis, MO 63112
Phone: (314) 877-5500 (314) 877-5505

Constituency For Africa
315 F Street, NE Suite 101 Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 371-0588 (202) 371-9017

Continental Societies, Inc. New York Chapter Lenox Hill Station
Doncella Milton
P.O. Box 1166 New York, New York 10065

Council of 100
Faye M. Anderson - Executive Director
P.O. Box 65164 Washington, DC 20035-5164
Email: (202) 775-5496 (202) 484-7029 


Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Louise A. Rice, Ph.D. National President
1707 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 986-2400 (202) 986-2513

Douglass Policy Institute
Faye M. Anderson
P.O. Box 65154Washington, DC 20035-5164
Phone: (202) 775-5496 (202) 484-7029

Drifters, Inc.
JoAnn Jolly-Blanks President
3424 Alsace Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90016
Phone: (213) 932-3187 (213) 936-2671


Edges Group, Inc.
Alfred T. Jackson President
214 Elmwind Drive Orange, NJ 07050
Phone: (201) 678-2613 (201) 414-9266

Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Jean Dade-Batchie - National President
16815 James Couzens Freeway Detroit,  MI 48235
Phone: (313) 862-0600 (313) 862-6245

Executive Leadership Council
1010 Wisconsin Ave NW, 520 Washington, DC 20007
Phone: (202) 298-8226


Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund
Woodrow Keown • President
2769 Church Street East Point, GA 30344
Phone: (404) 765-0991 (404) 765-9178

Florida Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Joseph "Joe" Gibbons
400 N Adams Street Tallahassee, Fl 32301
Phone: (850) 224-0937 (850) 222-2296

Florida Education Fund
201 East Kennedy Boulevard Suite 1525 Tampa, Florida 33602
Phone: (813) 272-2772 (813) 272-2784

Frountiers International, Inc.
Floyd W Alston, President & CEO
6301 Crittenden St. Philadelphia, PA 19138
Phone: (215) 549-4550 (215) 763-6822


Gamma Phi Delta Sorority, Inc.
2657 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48202-1203
Phone: (313) 873-2691

Georgia Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Stan Watson
18 Capitol Square, SW Suite 602 Atlanta, Ga 30334
Phone: (404) 651-5569 (404) 651-6984

Gospel Music Workshop of America
ContactRt. Rev. Dr. Albert L. Jamison Sr.
3908 West Warren Detroit, MI 48208
Phone: (313) 898-6900 (313) 898-4520

Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.
Ronald P. White President
P.O. Box 8337 Silver Spring, MD 20907
Phone: (202) 543-8376



Illinois Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Senator Kimberly Lightford
P.O. Box 12101 Springfield, IL 62791
Phone: (217) 544-0444 (217) 544-1444

Improvement Benevolent Protective Order
Ralph Smith, Convention Director
P.O. Box 159 Winton, NC 27986
Phone: (919) 358-7661 (919) 358-7681

Indiana Black Legislative Caucus, Inc.
Chairperson: Representative Gregory W. Porter
200 W Washington Street Room 149 Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 232-9646 (317) 232-9795

Institute for Independent Education
1313 North Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20002
(202) 745-0500 (518) /383-2841

International Association of African American Music Corporate Office
Dyana Williams
P.O. Box 382 Gladwyne, PA 19035
Phone: (610) 664-8292 (610) 664-5940

International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
8700 Central Avenue #306 Landover, MD 20785-4831
Phone: (301) 808-0804

International Benevolent Society. Inc.
837 5th AveColumbus, GA 31901
Phone: (706) 322-5671

International Black Writers

Mable J. Terrell, Exec. Dir & President
P.O. Box 1030 Chicago, IL 60690
Phone: (773) 924-3818

Interracial Council for Business Opportunity
Lorraine Kelsey, Executive Vice President
51 Madison Avenue, Suite 2212 New York, NY 10010
Phone: (212) 779-4360 (212) 779-4365

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Doris Browning Austin, Ph.D

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
Founders Hall 1600 N. Calvert Street Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 514-5225 (866) 510-1301

Iowa Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Wayne Ford
P.O. Box 5042 Des Moines, IA 50305
Phone: (515) 271-0605 (515) 284-5886


J.U.G.S., Inc.
chaptersLucille C. Smith
5233 Wabada Avenue St. Louis, MO 63113
Phone: (314) 361-3217 (314) 340-3550

Jackie Robinson Foundation
Della Britton Baeza, President and CEO
One Hudson Square - 75 Varick Street 2nd Floor New York, NY 10013-1917
Phone: (212) 290-8600 (212) 290-8081

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
1090 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005-4928
Phone: (202) 789-3500 (202) 789-6385

Junior Southern Heirs Club, Inc.
3118 Rawson St. Oakland, CA 94619
Phone: (510) 534-8763


Kansas African American Legislative Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Barbara W. Ballard
300 SW 10TH Ave Suite 327 Topeka, Kansas 66612
Phone: (785) 296-7630 (785) 296-0251

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
2322-24 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19132-4590
Phone: (215) 228-7184 (215) 228-7181

Knights of Peter Claver
1825 Orleans Ave. New Orleans, LA 70116
Phone: (504) 821-4225


Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority, Inc.
7302 Georgia Ave NW Washington, DC 20012
Phone: (202) 829-2368

Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

Barbara R. Arnwine
1401 New York Avenue, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 662-8600 (202) 783-0857

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Wade Henderson
1629 K Street NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 466-3311 (202) 466-3434

Legislative Black and Hispanic Caucus
Chairperson: Senator Lena Taylor
3 South Wings, State Capitol, P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707
Phone: (608) 266-5810 (608) 267-2353

Legislative Black and Puerto Rican Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Minnie Gonzalez
Legislative Office Bldg Capitol Ave Room 4039 Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: (860) 240-8514 (860) 240-0206

Legislative Black Caucus (MO)
Chairperson: Representative John Bowman
201 West Capitol Ave. Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (573) 751-4726 (573) 522-1778

Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland
Chairperson: Senator Verna L. Jones
P.O. Box 253, Lowe House Office Building, Room 300 84 College Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: (410) 841-3185 (410) 841-3175

Links, Inc.
1200 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 842-8686 (202) 842-4020

Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Cedric Richmond
State Capitol Bldg, 900 North Third Street Basement, Rm 107 Baton Rouge, La 70804
Phone: (225) 342-9973 (225) 342-0364

Low Income Housing Information Service
1012 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 662-1530 (202) 393-1973

Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, Inc.
Deriece K. Bennett Executive Director
6 Bladen Street, Room 300 Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: (410) 841-3185 (410) 841-317


Massachusetts Black Legislative Caucus
Chairperson: Representative William Lantigua
State House Boston, Room 127 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2680 (617) 722-2002

Michigan Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Michael C. Murphy
P.O. Box 11008 Lansing, MI 48901
Phone: (517) 373-0826 (517) 373-5698

Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense & Education Fund
419 NEW JERSEY AVE SE Washington, DC 20003-4007
Phone: (202) 289-1700 (202) 289-1701

Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Reecy Dickson
Room 400E-NC, P.O. Box 1018 Jackson, MS 39215
Phone: (601) 359-2422 (601) 359-1299

Missouri Legislative Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
119 W Ashley St. Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (573) 761-4166

Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World, Inc.
P.O. Box 1072 Columbus, GA 31902
Phone: (706) 322-3326 (706) 322-3805

Moorland-Spingarn Research Center Howard University
Dr. Thomas C. Battle, Director
500 Howard Place, NW Washington, DC 20059
Phone: (202) 806-7240 (202) 806-6405


NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc.
Kasha Dragon
99 Hudson Street, Suite 1600 New YorkNew, York 10013
Phone: (212) 965-2247 (212) 219-2052

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering
440 Hamilton Ave, Suite 302 White Plains, NY 10601-1813
Phone: (914) 539-4010 (914) 539-4032

National African American Catholic Youth Ministry Network
1933 Spielbusch Avenue P.O. Box 958 Toledo, OH 43697-0985
Phone: (419) 244-6711 ext. 296 (419) 244-4791 fax

National Alliance of Black Sales Men and Sales Women
P.O. Box 2814 Manhattanville Station Harlem, NY 10027
Phone: (914)668-1430

National Alliance of Black School Educators
2816 Georgia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 483-1549

National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees
1505 11th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 677-4040

National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
Michelle Lewis, Conference Coordinator
400 12th St., NE Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 543-9111 (202) 543-9113

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
4805 Mt. Hope Drive Baltimore, MD 21215
Phone: (410) 358-8900 (410)764-7742

National Association of African American Catholic Deacons
Deacon Paul Richardson President NAACD
1418 Glen View Drive Yellow Springs, OH 45387-1316
Phone: (937) 767-1581

National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
7249-A Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, MD 20770
Phone: (301) 474-6222

National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
Kathleen Merritt President of NABCA
204 Douthit Street, Suite A1Greenville, SC 29601
Phone: (864) 242-2233 (864) 331-2631

National Association of Black Consulting Engineers
2705 Bladensburg Road NE Washington, DC 20018
Phone: (202) 333-9100

National Association of Black County Officials
440 First Street, NW #500 Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 333-9100

National Association of Black Journalists
3100 Taliafero Hall - University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-8500

National Association of Black Book Publishers
Gina Weldon Executive Director
P.O. Box 22080 Baltimore, MD 21203
Phone: (410) 358-0980 (410) 358-0987

National Association of Black Social Workers
8436 W. McNichols Street Detroit, MI 48221
Phone: (313) 862-6700

National Association of Black Women Attorneys, Inc
724 Ninth Street, NW, Suite 206 Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 637-3570

National Association of Black-Owed Broadcasters
Karen Franklin, Staff Counsel
1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 463-8970 (202) 429-0657

National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice N.C. Central University
Robert Matthews President
PO Box 19788 Durham, NC 27707
Phone: (919) 683-1801 (91) 683-1903

National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc. and Youth Affliates
5808 16th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20011
Phone: (202) 726-2044 (202) 726-0023

National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE)
8630 Fenton Street- Suite 126 Silver Spring, MD 20910

National Association of Investment Companies
Dorothy L Sankey, Executive Assistant
1111 14th St. NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 289-4336 (202) 289-4329

National Association of Market Developers, Inc.
P.O. Box 4446 Rockefeller Center Station New York, NY 10185
Phone: (212) 944-6982 (773 )874-3772

National Association of Minority Contractors
300 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 700 Washington, DC 02000
Phone: (202) 347-8259 (202) 789-7349

National Association of Minority Media
5746 Union Mill Road Box 310 Clifton VA 20124
Phone: (888) 968-7658 (703) 830-4743

National Association of Minority Political Families, USA, Inc.
Mary E. Ivey President CEO
6120 Oregon Avenue NW Washington, DC 20015
Phone: (202) 686-1216 (202) 686-0598

National Association of Negro Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.
Glo Ivory, Executive Director
1806 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 483-4206 (202) 462-7253

National Association of Neighborhoods
Celta Winslow President
1651 Fuller Street NW Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 332-7766 (202) 332-2314

National Association of University Women
D. Johnson President
1001 E Street SE Washington, DC 20003
Phone: (202) 547-3967 (202) 547-5226
National Association of Urban Bankers, Inc.
Caryn Turner, Executive Assistant
1801 K St., NW Suite 200A Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 861-0000 (202) 861-1252

National Bankers Association
1513 P Street, NW Washington DC 20005
Phone: (202) 588.5432

National Baptist Convention of America
Dr. Stephen J. Thurston President
740 East 77th Street Chicago, Il6069
Phone: (773) 224-5570 (773) 224-8200

National Baptist Convention U.S.A., Inc.
Dr. William J. Shaw , PresidentSee Research Book
White Rock Baptist Church Office 5240 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19139

National Bar Association, Inc.

1225 11th Street, NW Washington DC 20001
Phone: (202) 842-3900

National Beauty Culturists League, Inc.

Wanda Nelson, President/CEO
25 Logan Circle NW Washington DC 20005
Phone: (202) 332-2695 (202) 332-0940 

National Black Catholic Congress
Daniel Rudd : NBCC Founder
320 Cathedral Stree tBaltimore, Maryland 21201

National Black Caucas of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO)
Mary Gordon, Manager
1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 550 Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202 )626-3191 (202 )626-3043

National Black Caucus of State Legislators
444 North Capitol Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 634-5457

National Black Child Development Institute
1101 15th Street, N.W Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 833-2220 (202) 833-8222

National Black Child Development Institute
Vicki D Pinkston, Conference Coordinator
1023 15th St. NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202 387-1281 (202 234-1738

National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame Foundation
229 Peachtree St, Suite 616 Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 681-4555 (404) 525-6226

National Black MBA Association, Inc.
Jetanu Mallet,
180 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 1515 Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 236-2622 (312) 236-4131

National Black Media Coalition
Carmen Marshall, Executive Director
11120 New Hampshire Avenue Suite 204 Silver Spring, MD  20904
Phone: (301) 593-3600 ( 301)593-3604

National Black Media Coalition

1738 Elton Road Suite 314 Silver Spring, MD 20903
Phone: (301) 445-.2600

National Black Nurses Association
1511 K Street, NW Suite 415 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 393-6870

National Black Police Association

Ron Hampton, Executive Director
30 Kennedy Street NW, Suite 101 Washington, DC 20011
Phone: (202) 986-2070 (202) 986-0410

National Black Programming Consortium, Inc.
761 Oak Street Suite A Columbus, OH 43205
Phone: (614) .229-4399

National Black Public Relations Society
6565 Sunset Boulevard #301 Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: (323)  466-8221 (323)  856-9510

National Black Republican Association
Frances Rice, Esquire Chairman
5824 Bee Ridge Road # 419 Sarasota, FL 34233-5065
Phone: 1-(866) 905-6701

National Black United Front (NBUF)
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, National Chairman
1809 East 71st, Suite 211 Chicago, Illinois 60649
Phone: (773) 493-0900  (773) 493-9819

National Black Women's Consciousness-Raising Association
Louise Johnson Chair of the Board
1906 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone: (301) 727-8900

National Bowling Association, Inc.
Alesia A. Bryant PRESIDENT
9944 Reading Road Evendale, Ohio 45241-3106
Phone: (513) 769-1985 (513) 769-3596

National Brotherhood of Skiers
1525 E. 53rd St. 4th Fl. Chicago, IL 60615
Phone: (773) 955-4100

National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc.
Karyne Jones President and CEO
1220 L Street, N.W., Suite 800 20005
Phone: (202) 637-8400 (202) 347-0895

National Coalition of 100 Black Women
Shirley L Poole, Executive Director
38 West 32nd St. Suite 1610 New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212)947-2196 (212)947-2477

National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners
86630 Fenton Street Suite 126 Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (202) 628-3952

National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc.
Carol Crawford, Convention Coordinator
1422 West Peachtree Street, NW Suite 800 Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: (404) 892-0127 (404) 876-4597

National Conference of Black Political Scientists Dept. of History and Political Science
Albany State College Albany, GA 31705
Phone: (912) 430-4870

National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
Dr. Dorothy I. Height Chair and President Emerita
633 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 737-0120 (202) 737-0476

National Dental Association
5506 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 24-25 Washington, DC 20015
Phone: (202) 244-7555

National Economic Association University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Economics,
Jim Peoples PresidentSee Research book
PO Box 413 , Bolton Hall, Room 868 Milwaukee, WI 53201

National Forum for Black Public Administators
Sylvester Murray, Interim Executive Director
777 North Capitol St. NE Suite 807 Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 408-9300 (202) 408-8558

National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, Inc.
3390 Peachtree Road, NE #807 Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone: (404) 364-6556

National Insurance Association
1133 Desert Shale Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89123
Phone: (702) 269-2445

National Insurance Association

Larkin Teasley FSA President
P.O. Box 53230 Chicago, IL 60653
Phone: (773 )924-3308 (773) 924-3312

National Low Income Housing Coalition
Angela Chen, Administrative Assistant
727 15th Street NW, 6th Floor Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 662-1530 (202) 393-1973

National Minority Business Council, Inc.
John F Robinson, President & CEO
235 E. 42nd St.New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 573-2385 (212) 573-4462

National Minority Suppliers Development Council, Inc.
Suzette Eaddy, Director of Conferences
15 West 39th St. 9th Floor New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 944-2430 (212) 719-9611

National Naval Officers Association
PO Box 10871Alexandria, VA 22310-0871
Phone: (703) 997-1068

National Naval Officers Association

Quinta A Martin, Executive Managing Director
40 Lake Edge Drive Euclid, OH 44123
Phone: (216) 261-2941 ( 216) 261-2828

National Newspaper Publishers Association
Chairman John B. Smith, Sr. The Atlanta Inquirer
3200 13th Street, NW Washington, DC 20010
Phone: (202) 588-8764

National Optometric Association
3723 Main Street P.O Box F East Chicago, IN 46312
Phone: (877) 394-2020

National Optometric Association
Charles Comer,
1489 Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43205
Phone: (614) 253-5593 (614) 253-6069

National Organization for the Advancement of Haitians (NOAH)
Chairman/Founder Dr. Joseph Baptiste
1400 East West Highway Silver, MD 20910
Phone: (800) 355-0204 (301) 585-5395

National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers

525 College Street, NW Washington, DC 20059
Phone: (800) 776-1419

National Organization of Black County Officials
Linda Haithcox Executive Director
1090 Vermont Ave., NW Suite 1290 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 350-6696  (202) 350-6699

National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives

4609-F Pinecrest Office Park Drive Suite F Alexandria, VA 22312-1442
Phone: (703) 658-1529 (703) 658-9479

National Organization of Minority Architects
See Research Book
2366 6th Street, NW - Room 100 Washington, DC 20059
Phone: (202) 686-2780

National Pan-Hellenic Council
Beverly Burks Executive Director
3951 Snapfinger Parkway, Suite 218 Decatur, GA 30035
Phone: (404) 592-6145 (404) 592-6129

National Pharmaceutical Association
Susan Bailey, Assistant to the Exec. Consultant
107 Kilmayne Dr. Suite CCary, NC 27511
Phone: (800) 944-6742 (919) 469-5870

National Congress of Black Women, Inc.
1224 W. Street, SE, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20020
Phone: (202) 678-6788

National Society of Black Engineers
1454 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 549-2207

National Society of Real Estate Appraisers
1265 East 105 Street Cleveland, OH 44108
Phone: (216) 795-3445

National Technical Association, Inc.
Mildred Fitzgerald-Johnson, Executive Director
69119 North 19th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126
Phone: (215) 549-5743 (215) 549-6509

National Urban League, Inc.
Pinky Negri, Director, Conference Department
120 Wall Street New York, NY 10005
Phone: (212) 558-5300 (212) 344-8925

National Black United Fund & Fed. of Char
William Merritt, President/CEO
40 Clinton Street 5th Floor Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973) 643-5122 (973) 648-8350

New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Senator Ronald L. Rice
P.O. Box 20037 Newark, NJ 07101
Phone: (973) 371-5665 (973) 371-6738

New York Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Assemblyman Adriano Espaillat
210 Sherman Ave, Suite ANew York, New York 10034
Phone: (518) 455-5807 (518) 455-4903

North Carolina Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Beverly Earle
634 N Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27606
Phone: (919) 715-2530 (919) 828-9440


Ohio Legislative Black Caucus
Senator Shirley A. Smith
271 East State Street Columbus, Ohio 43216
Phone: (614) 341-6912 (614) 221-0721

Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Opio Toure’
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Room 546 Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Phone: (405) 557-7393 (405) 521-5580

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
John S Epps, Executive Director
3951 Snapfinger Parkway Decatur, GA 30035
Phone: (404) 284-5533 (404) 284-0333

Organization of Black Airline Pilots, Inc.

8630 Fenton Street Suite 126 Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (800) 538-6227 (800) JET-OBAP
Email: a


Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Thaddeus Kirkland
308 Irvis Office Building Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: (717) 787-5881 (717) 787-9074

Phelps Stokes Fund
Dr. Badi Foster President
1400 Eye Street NW Suite 750 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 371-9544 (202) 371-9522

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Brother Paul L. Griffin, Jr. International President
145 Kennedy Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20011
Phone: (202) 726-5434 (202) 882-1681

Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
Ann D. Black President
8233 South King Drive Chicago, Ilinois 60619
Phone: (773) 783-7379 (773) 783-7354

Philip Randolph Institute and A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund
Clayola Brown President
815 16th Street NW 5th Fl. Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 508-3710 (202) 508-3711

Piney Woods Country Life School

Nichols, Reginald T President
P.O. Box 57- 5096 Highway 49 South Piney Woods, MS 39148-9998
Phone: (601) 845-2214

Progressive National Baptist Convention
Dr. Bennett W. Smith, Sr. President
601 50th St., NE Washington, DC 20019
Phone: (202) 396-0558 (202) 398-4998


Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
Axel Adams, Deputy Director
930 East 50th St. Chicago, IL 60615
Phone: (773) 373-3366 (773) 373-3366

RI Minority Legislator/Leadership Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Joseph S. Almeida
Room 5 State House Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 528-1774 (401) 222-6902


Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
515 Malcolm X Boulevard 135th Stree tNew York, NY 10037-1801
Phone: (212) 491-2200

Secretariat for African-American Catholic
3211 4th Street, N.E. 20017-1194 
Phone: (202) 541-3177 (202) 541-3477

Sickle-Cell Disease Association of America, Inc.
Ralph D Sutton, Deputy Director
200 Corporate Pointe Suite 495 Culver City, CA 90230
Phone: (800) 421-8453 (310) 215-3722

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Bonita M Herring, Executive Director
8800 South Stony Island Ave. Chicago, IL 60617
Phone: (773) 873-9000 (773) 731-9642

South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative David Mack
328D Blatt Building Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: (803) 734-3192 (803) 734-2925

Southern Christian Leadership Conference
334 Auburn Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 522-1420 (404) 659-7390

Southern Poverty Law Center
Richard Cohen President & Chief Executive Officer
400 Washington Avenue Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone: (334) 956-8200

Southern Regional Council
Board President: Charles S. Johnson, III
1201 West Peachtree Street NE Suite 2000 Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: (404) 522-8764 (404) 522-8791

Student National Medical Association, Inc.
1012 10th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 371-1616 (202) 371-5676


Tennessee Black Caucus of State Legislators
Chairperson: Representative Johnny Shaw
33 Legislative Plaza Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: (615)741-4538 (615) 741-1446

Texas Legislative Black Caucus
Chairperson: Representative Senfronia Thompson
1301 Travis, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (713) 751-9353 (713) 751-9357

The Jesse Owens Foundation
Marlene O. Rankin Managing Director
333 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 932 Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 263-8222 ( 773) 538-4560

The National Pinochle Bugs Social and Civic Club, Inc.
3 Kittridge Court Randallstown, MD 21133
Phone: (410) 655-0269 ( 410) 675-1810

The National Trust for the Development of African American Males
1608 Nordic Hill Circle Silver Spring, MD 20906
Phone: (301) 933-6151

Top Ladies of Destinction, Inc.
442 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Lufkin, TX 75904
Phone: (936) 637-6730

Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.5
14 Hemlock Rd. Lufkin, TX 75901
Phone: (936) 637-6730

TransAfrica Forum
1629 K Street, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 223-960 (202) 223-1966

Tuskegee Airmen, Inc.
Russell C. Davis President 
P.O. Box 9166 Arlington, VA 22219-1166
Phone: (703) 286-7653

Twenty-First Century Foundation
Erica Hunt, President
132 West 112th Street, Ground Level New York, NY 10026
Phone: (212) 662-3700 (212) 662-6690


UNCF'S National Alumni Council
Monise W Quidley, Nat'l Dir. of Alumni Affairs
8260 Willow Oaks Corp. Dr. Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: (703) 205-3463 (703) 205-3574

United Black Fund, Inc. United Black Fund of America
Barry LeNoir, President
2500 Martin Luther King, Jr., Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20020
Phone: (202) 783-9300 (202) 347-2564

United Church of Christ, Commission for Racial Justice
700 Prospect AvenueCleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216) 736-2168

United Negro College Fund, Inc.
Michael L. Lomax, Ph.D. President & CEO
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P.O. Box 10444 Fairfax, VA 22031-8044
Phone: (800) 331-2244


Virginia Legislative Black Caucus

Chairperson: Delegate Dwight Jones
General Assembly Building, P.O. Box 406 Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: (804) 405-0040 (804) 786-6310

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Dr. Barbara West Carpenter International President
1734 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 387-3103 (202) 232-4593