today in black history

March 26, 2025

Black abolitionist and businessman George DeBaptiste was born on this date in 1815 in Virginia.

Today in Black America - January 14

POSTED: January 14, 2022, 9:00 am

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Note: Some newspapers listed use a pay wall that requires a subscription before you can access the article.

The Associated Press

Supreme Court halts COVID-19 vaccine rule for US businesses

Analysis: Biden overshoots on what’s possible in divided DC

Goodbye ‘godsend’: Expiration of child tax credits hits home

The New York Times

No Shots, No Day Care: Parents of Youngest Struggle With Work-Life Imbalance

New York’s ban on evictions is expiring. What happens now?

Biden Will Nominate Three New Fed Officials

USA Today

Students say schools are a 'COVID petri dish.' That's why they're walking out.

School districts shift to remote learning amid staff shortages; Djokovic faces deportation again: COVID-19 updates

Most people are still wearing cloth masks. Here's why that's a problem with omicron

The Washington Post

Oath Keepers founder charged with seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 attack

National School Boards Association stumbles into politics and is blasted apart

Federal courts drop survey question about workplace misconduct after judges’ staffers said they’d witnessed such problems

After major scandal and national search, Murphy picks corrections veteran to run N.J.’s prisons

Opposition mounts to $4.7B plan to widen the highway to the Holland Tunnel

No time to waste as interim schools chief is chosen | Jersey Journal editorial

The Baltimore Sun

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby indicted on federal charges she lied on financial transactions to buy homes in Florida

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby is facing criminal charges. Here’s what could happen next.

Read the indictment against Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby

The Los Angeles Times

Editorial: Keep the fight going to protect voting rights

Garcetti questions LAPD discipline for out-of-policy police shootings, orders review

Omicron surge leaves U.S. parents, teachers and students on edge

The Chicago Sun-Times

Four Omicron myths: Dispelling misguided and ‘flat out harmful’ theories about the still dangerous variant — and that part is no myth

For Chicago’s frustrated restaurant workers, life will never be the same

Judge made ‘sexist and offensive’ comments about me, says attorney after remarks were caught on livestream

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

In 2021, Atlanta’s killings surged for a second straight year

Decades after King pushed for guaranteed income, Atlanta will test idea

Saturday is the last day for ACA health insurance signups

Some newspapers listed use a pay wall that requires a subscription before you can access the article.

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