today in black history

July 22, 2024

The first Black Power conference is held in Newark (N.J.)in 1967, with more than 1,000 delegates from 126 cities, Bermuda and Nigeria.

Today in Black America - March 30

POSTED: March 30, 2009, 12:00 am

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The New York Times

Rising Powers Challenge U.S. on Role in I.M.F.

Banks Starting to Walk Away on Foreclosures

State Leaders Outline Deal on a Budget

Blue Eyed Greed?

The Washington Post

Winds of Change Evident in U.S. Environmental Policy

GM CEO to Step Down at White House's Request

Downturn Dims Young Dreams

The Christian Science Monitor

Obama can expect a week of protests ahead of G-20

Turnover at GM, as US seeks greater auto reforms

Los Angeles Times

AIG crisis could be tip of an insurance iceberg

In Louisiana, the tide may be turning on corruption

Oakland has been defined by violence, but its true identity is more complicated

Detroit Free Press

U.S. shreds auto plans

Wagoner agrees to step aside immediately; 31-year career is over

Substance, if not much clarity, emerges from Bing and Cockrel

Chicago Tribune

Child suicides: Recent suicides put spotlight on preventing tragedies

Routine screening urged for teenage depression

Minding your business: Immigrants embracing entrepreneurship

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