today in black history

March 25, 2025

"Scottsboro Boys" are arrested in Point Rock, Alabama on this date in 1931.


Sponsors seeks sponsors for its online content, special reporting and community outreach initiatives. We seek long-term relationships with institutions that value the consumer strength of the African-American community and understand the importance of providing opportunities for alternative points of view in the public discourse. Our seeking of sponsors is aligned with our operating principles; making our choice of sponsors based on a value-added contribution to the health, welfare, safety and financial security of the African-American. For that reason we do not accept sponsors in the alcohol and tobacco industry, and are selective in building relationships with businesses and artists in the entertainment industry. We also seek sponsors who take the long view of success, are committed to innovation and creative in how they market to African-American consumers. Our topline sponsorship packages are detailed below. All rates are based on a 12 month commitment. For companies interested in sponsorship of content contact our Creative Director, Ali Sharif at

Premier Sponsor

• Your company’s logo in a prominent sponsorship position at the top of the home page

• 60 second commercial on our NSpicks video screen on the NorthStar News home page

• Logo or text mention of your company in all e-mail newsletters delivered by

• Prominent mention as lead sponsor in all press releases and announcements related to; press efforts will focus on not only Black-oriented print, broadcast and online media, but on the broad national print and broadcast media as well, both general and trade

Total Cost: $35,000 per package

Primary Sponsor

• One Primary Sponsor position available

• Your company’s logo in a prominent sponsorship position at the bottom of the home page

• 30 second commercial interspersed with our Top News stories

• Prominent mention as primary sponsor in all press releases and announcements related to; press effort will focus on not only Black-oriented print, broadcast and online media, but on the broad national print and broadcast media as well, both general and trade

Total Cost: $20,000 per package

Supporting Sponsors

• Your company’s logo included as a Supporting Sponsor on an interior page

• Mention as Supporting Sponsor in all press releases and announcements related to; press effort will focus on not only Black-oriented print, broadcast and online media, but on the broad national print and broadcast media as well, both general and trade

• Identification as a sponsor of an podcast

Total cost: $10,000 per package